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Vicky laughed quietly to herself as she glanced over at the sleeping Erin. The room was dim, the only light coming from the sliver of moonlight that filtered through the curtains. Carefully, she tiptoed up the stairs to the bathroom. She felt pain free and light, and her smooth breathing indicated that her respiratory problems were a thing of the past.

Her sexy reflection greeted her as she switched on the light. She stared into the eyes that were once Kayleigh's, marveling at the unexpected twist of fate. When the bracelet had been torn from Kayleigh's wrist, the magic that was supposed to transfer Vicky's soul into the bracelet and into Erin was interrupted. Instead of being trapped in the cold metal, Vicky's soul found itself latching onto Kayleigh's body.

Without the bracelet to complete the transfer, there was no way to reverse the process until she decided to use the item’s magic again. Vicky's soul had taken over Kayleigh's body instead, and she was now in control. “Such a silly girl,” Vicky said. “I’m not going to lie. I was really lucky that the magic did that. I thought I was done for when you took it off.”

Thankfully, only silence greeted her, and that made her only feel better. Sure, she lost her daughter, but it was a small price to pay if it meant escaping death. Vicky couldn't help but feel ecstatic about the turn of events. 

She had originally intended to have her mind placed inside Erin's body, but now that she was in Kayleigh's, she realized that this was an even better outcome. As a young woman again who looked like a younger version of herself, she had the chance to restart her life.

Her laughter subsided as she continued to examine her new face in the mirror. The possibilities seemed endless, and she couldn't wait to start her new life. With a grin, Vicky decided it was time to share her newfound fortune with Erin. She turned off the bathroom light and made her way back downstairs. As she approached the bedroom, she could hear the gentle sounds of Erin's steady breathing.

Vicky gently shook Erin awake, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Erin, wake up," she whispered, eager to share her incredible news.

As Erin slowly came to, Vicky couldn't contain her joy. “Kayleigh? What happened to your mom?”

Vicky smiled warmly. “It’s okay. I’ll explain everything.”



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