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Kayleigh stood in her mother's dimly lit basement and clutched her mother’s magical bracelet. Her heart raced as she watched her best friend, Erin, chained to a pedestal at the center of the room. Kayleigh felt a deep sense of guilt for having her friend confined in such a manner by her own mother. “At least she’s asleep. She won’t notice a thing.”

Vicky, Kayleigh's mom, had masterminded the entire ordeal. She was a frail, dying woman who needed a young body to inhabit so that she could continue living. She had convinced Kayleigh to trick Erin into coming into the basement to help grab a few things for a school project. It was the best way to get her to go down during their harmless sleepover. Now, the girls found themselves in the middle of an eerie, supernatural ritual, and Erin had no idea what was about to happen.

Kayleigh's hand shook as she held the bracelet. She was told that she needed to place it around her wrist in order to guide a third person's soul into a new vessel. Her mother had pleaded with her saying it was the only way to save her life. Conflicted and terrified, Kayleigh hesitated and wondered if this was the right thing to do. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her mother, but the idea of betraying Erin tore at her conscience. She was her best friend after all.

In the darkness of the basement, Vicky's eyes glowed with desperation. "Do it, Kayleigh," she urged. "Put on the bracelet and save me. Put me inside of her." But as she looked at her mother, Kayleigh saw not the loving parent she had known her entire life, but a stranger driven by the fear of death. This wasn’t the right thing to do. She knew she couldn't go through with it. 

With a surge of determination, Kayleigh put the bracelet on her wrist and focused on her mother's soul. She could feel its presence, a pulsating energy within her grasp. "Sorry, mom," Kayleigh whispered. 

She began to pull Vicky's soul from her body. The room filled with an otherworldly light, the air crackling with energy. Vicky's body crumpled to the floor, her soul now in the magical grip of the bracelet. As the power of the bracelet pointed her in Erin’s direction, Kayleigh knew she had to act fast. She fought against the urge to complete the transfer, her mind racing with thoughts of her best friend. She couldn't condemn Erin to this type of fate.

Gathering all her strength, Kayleigh wrenched the bracelet from her wrist before the transfer could happen, severing the connection so that it was no longer using her energy to fuel its magical abilities. The energy in the room dissipated, and Vicky's soul floated and remained untethered in the air above them. 

With a heavy heart, Kayleigh watched as her mother's soul seemingly drifted away, knowing she had made the ultimate sacrifice for her best friend. But Kayleigh knew something was wrong when the soul abruptly moved forward and shot through her. She thought her mom had flowed passed her in an effort to scare her, but something was wrong when a smile stretched over her lips.



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