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“What up with her?” Richard, her boyfriend, asked meekly.

Erin watched from afar as Kayleigh sat in the cafeteria alone. She was studying for their exam, but she wasn’t leaving it to the last minute like she normally did. Erin casted a glance at Richard before shrugging. “She’s taking this more seriously.”

“Isn’t that weird, though?”

“Well, she’s taking harder classes than you,” Erin teased. “I’ll talk to you later, okay? I want to talk to her for a bit. Bring her back down to Earth.”

Richard nodded before disappearing into the crowd of students behind them. Erin took a deep breath and walked towards her friend. Everything had changed between them since that horrific night, and yet their bond remained unbroken. Erin had been the one who excelled in school and seemed destined for great things. But now, Kayleigh had emerged as the more academic one. She was acing every one of her classes, and her thirst for knowledge appeared insatiable whenever discussions happened in class.

Not content with just excelling academically, Kayleigh had also started taking up more extracurricular activities. She had started a charity food bank at the school, providing much-needed sustenance for those less fortunate. And if that wasn't enough, she had also taken on a managerial role at her job in a convenience store, gaining and demonstrating her natural leadership abilities along the way.

Erin couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and happiness for her best friend. Sure, she felt less adequate and inferior, but she knew that Kayleigh's transformation had come at a great cost. She wouldn’t have traded places with her. The loss of her mother, Vicky, had been a turning point in her life. Vicky had been a deeply troubled woman, her actions erratic and dangerous as the years went by. She became borderline abusive at one point.

Erin's memories of that time were hazy, but she could still recall the terrifying moments when Vicky had chained her up and somehow made her fall asleep. She shuddered at the thought, grateful that Kayleigh had saved her from whatever twisted plans Vicky had in store. Despite the darkness that had once overshadowed their lives, Kayleigh had emerged stronger and more determined than ever. She had turned her pain and loss into a driving force for change, making a difference not only in her own life but in the lives of others as well.

As Erin sat across from Kayleigh, she felt a surge of hope and optimism for their future. They had weathered the storm of Vicky's madness, and now they stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives. She playfully nudged her best friend, and the smile Kayleigh gave her melted her heart. She wouldn’t have traded her for anybody else.



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