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“Dad, you said it was going to teach him a lesson,” Annabelle cried at the foot of her bed. After convincing her father to prescribe an experimental medication for Blake’s STI, she was outraged at the thought of her father giving the guy something he actually wanted.

“Look, I didn’t think he was going to want to stay a girl,” her father insisted. “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”

“Talk to him! Tell him that you can reverse things!”

“He got a new family doctor,” Doctor Smith murmured while sipping from a cup of coffee. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to let this go.” He let out a sigh. “Even if I convinced him to get on new medication, he’s pregnant now. The medication wouldn’t work. It would just cause problems with the fetus first.”


“It’s not that simple,” her father answered. “I’m sorry, but you have to drop this.”

Her father had never tried anything like this before, and it was completely unethical. Annabelle realized this. But she was relentless in her pursuit, telling him how much Blake had hurt her and how he deserved to feel what it was like to be in a woman's body. He agreed at the time, but now that things had turned out like this, she realized that her quest for revenge had only made his life better.

He eventually changed his pronouns and name to Blaire. Blaire was happier than she had ever been before when she was a man. Annabelle remembered how big of an asshole he was when he fucked her. She thought she’d found the one until he stopped answering her calls. 

She had wanted to hurt Blake after that happened by having her father prescribe experimental gender swapping medication, but instead, he was actually happy. In the end, Annabelle decided to let it go. She had no choice as she miserably watched her father finish his breakfast.



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