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Keara carefully lifted the glowing stone from its resting place on the shelf and placed it inside her jewelry box. As she snapped the lock shut, a sly smirk crept across her face. She could hear the distant screams of Samantha, but they brought her no remorse. Keara had done what she had to do, and she felt no guilt about it.

“Oh, hush, you knew that something bad was coming,” Keara cooed. “I warned you to tone it down with your parties. But you never listened.”

“You can’t just steal my life because of that. Please, Keara…”

Keara laughed and knocked against the wooden surface of her jewelry box. “Well, I was going to make this a temporary thing, but now that I have your body, I don’t think I’m going to leave. I could always put you in my old and decrepit body, if that’s what you’d prefer.”

The silence radiating from the jewelry box felt so good to listen to. For years, Keara had watched as Samantha partied and made noise into the early hours of the morning. As her neighbor, Keara had tried talking to her, but Samantha had never listened. So Keara had turned to magic, using her knowledge and expertise to seal away Samantha's soul and give herself a second chance at life by possessing her now empty body.

Keara looked at her reflection in the mirror and marveled at her youthful appearance while she reflected on the fact that she was 21-years-old now. Her old body was seventy-nine years old, and she hated how magic couldn’t help her painful joints. 

But her new body was basically brand new, and she was grateful for the opportunity to experience life again as a young person. She picked up the jewelry box and carefully hid it beneath her bed. Keara planned to bury it in an empty field later that week, a permanent and safe location for Samantha's trapped soul. She had endless possibilities, and she needed quiet time to plan everything out.



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