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Blake sat at the desk in front of the large mirror, a small bottle of nail polish in his hand. He had been trapped in a female body for nearly a week now, and despite his initial shock and confusion, he was starting to feel more comfortable with his new form.

He opened the bottle and carefully applied the bright pink polish to his nails, marveling at how delicate and feminine his hands looked. He had never been particularly interested in fashion or beauty before, but now that he was a woman, he found himself drawn to all things girly.

As he waited for the polish to dry, Blake gazed out the window at the world outside. Everything seemed so different now that he was a woman. The colors were brighter, the sounds were sweeter, and the air felt softer against his skin.

He turned back to the mirror and smiled at his reflection. He loved the way the dress he was wearing hugged his curves, the way his long blonde hair cascaded down his back, and the way his makeup brought out the natural beauty of his features.

It was strange, he thought, how much he had changed in just a few short days. Before this, he had always felt like something was missing, like there was a part of himself that he couldn't quite access. But now, as a woman, he felt whole in a way that he never had before.

He knew that there would be challenges ahead, that people would judge and misunderstand him for his choices. But he didn't care. He had found a sense of peace and happiness that he had been searching for his entire life, and he wasn't willing to give it up.

As he finished painting his nails, Blake made a decision. He would stay a girl forever. He would embrace his femininity fully and without shame, and he would never again feel like he had to hide or pretend to be someone he wasn't.

With a smile on his face, Blake stood up and twirled in front of the mirror, reveling in the way the dress swirled around him. He was free now, free to be himself and to live the life he had always wanted. And he couldn't wait to see what the future held.



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