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Blake woke up with a stomach ache that felt like it was tearing him apart. After getting onto a new medication for a recent STI from a fling with some overly attached woman from last week, he knew that there would be a few side effects. He sat up and rubbed his belly, hoping the pain would subside. But as he looked up, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and froze. His skin seemed to be shifting and stretching, and he could feel everything about him starting to change.

At first, he thought it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But as the seconds ticked by, the changes became more and more apparent. His jawline softened, and his cheekbones became more pronounced. His nose became smaller and more delicate, and his lips plumped up, becoming fuller and more inviting.

Blake groaned, feeling a strange mixture of fear and excitement as he watched himself transform. His blonde hair, which had always been short and neatly trimmed, began to grow longer, curling softly around his face and neck. His hips widened, and his thighs thickened, giving him a more feminine silhouette.

His nipples grew bigger and more sensitive as he watched in dread. He cupped his chest, feeling the weight of his breasts as they grew larger and more pronounced. His moans became more feminine, and he knew that his transformation was finished. He turned to the side, admiring his new curves and the way they moved as he shifted his weight. 

He felt his new physique with his hands and was amazed by how smooth and supple it was. Blake knew that his life was going to change forever. He had always been a man, but now he was a woman, and he didn't know how to cope with the changes that had taken place inside him. For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of what to do. But as he looked into his own eyes, he realized that he needed to speak with his doctor about this. The first thought that ran through his mind was figuring out how to reverse everything.

But when a throbbing heat began to stretch along his groin, he pulled at his boxers and saw a damp slit radiating with desire. He looked back into the mirror and decided that he’d call his doctor in the morning. “I may as well see what being a girl actually feels like.”



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