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Evangeline was looking across the room at her friend Angie, listening intently to what she was saying. But suddenly, the world went black. She found herself in a dream-like world, floating through a strange and unfamiliar place.

Confused and disoriented, Evangeline drifted through the world, unsure of what was happening. She saw strange sights and encountered strange creatures, but she couldn't make sense of anything. Eventually, she found herself in a bathroom, standing in front of Angie.

As Angie leaned forward to look into the mirror, Evangeline suddenly realized that she was moving based on what Angie was doing. She tried to speak to her friend, but the world started to shift and turn, and she felt like she was falling. She heard familiar voices, and when she looked up, she saw herself standing across from her on an open soccer field.

As she looked around, Evangeline realized that she was looking at memories. She could see herself and Angie playing tennis, laughing and having fun. She felt a wave of emotions wash over her, and she was filled with a sense of nostalgia as her body floated closer and closer to Angie’s body. Confused, Evangeline tried to back up, but the moment she slipped into her friend was the moment a strange rush of heat flooded her entire body.

Evangeline felt the world fading away, and she found herself beneath a blanket. She twisted and turned, her eyes moving around a room that looked like Angie’s bedroom. It was almost like she was physically looking through her eyes in real time, but when she saw a calendar on the nearby wall, she realized that she was in the past. It was two months before their Fall semester started at school.

The heat swirling around Evangeline made her realize that she was starting to feel strange yet familiar sensations. Angie’s lips let out a passionate moan, and Evangeline could feel her friend’s slender fingers fondling her inner folds. “Oh fuck, Evangeline…” Angie murmured.

“Wait, what?” Confused, Evangeline tried to keep talking back to her when she abruptly woke up.



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