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Doctor Henry sat at his desk, his pen hovering over an open journal where he kept track of every exorcism he had ever done. The events of the day weighed heavily on him, and he needed to process them as he closed his eyes. Becoming a doctor was one of the best decisions of his life, and incorporating his ability to help the possessed was something he took a lot of pride in. He had just performed an exorcism on a young girl named Maddy, and it had been a trying experience.

As he wrote, he remembered the way Maddy had squirmed in her chair, her eyes rolling back in her head as the evil spirit within her fought against his every command. He could sense the evil and the way both souls clashed. He had been scared, but he had been trained to handle these situations, and he had pushed through his fear to completely vanquish the spirit within her.

Finally, the exorcism was over, and Maddy was sitting in front of him, looking dazed and confused. Doctor Henry had asked her who she was and what she was doing there, as he often did after an exorcism to make sure that the person was in fact the one who had come to see him. Most spirits were unable to answer his questions, but Maddy had answered each one perfectly.

“I can’t believe this,” Maddy had said with tears in her eyes. “She’s gone. The voice is gone, Doctor Henry.”

It was a heartwarming experience for him as he wiped a tear that had dropped onto his journal. He could see the joy in her eyes when she looked at herself in the mirror. The exorcism had been a success, and the evil spirit that had been possessing Maddy was gone for good. Using wilted roses and demonic ash, he made sure to apply a defensive ritual around her body to prevent any spirits from trying to attach to her. He watched as she gradually came back to herself, her eyes clearing and her body relaxing.

He remembered her very clearly as she left his office. Closing his notebook, Doctor Henry felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. He had helped Maddy become a free person, free from the evil that had been holding her captive. He closed his journal, content with the knowledge that he had yet another happy client.



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