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Bonnie’s voice was getting desperate now. “You don’t have to do this. I’ll behave.”

Maddy fidgeted uncomfortably in the examination chair while she ignored the ghost in her head. Doctor Henry had listened patiently as Maddy recounted her experiences and examined her closely. Despite Bonnie’s interruptions, she managed to do quite well. Maddy felt a sense of relief as she vented how she felt about the restless nights. She had been experiencing strange occurrences for weeks and was at her wit's end until now. Now, she felt like things were going to get better. She could hear Bonnie screaming inside of her the moment Doctor Henry lit incense at all corners of the room. 

“It’s important that you try to clear your mind,” Doctor Henry explained. “I’m going to leave the room. I want you to fall asleep. The incense will help keep the two of you divided so that I can exercise the spirit that’s haunting you. Understand?”

Maddy nodded and watched the doctor leave the room. She closed her eyes while Bonnie screamed louder in her mind. “You can’t get rid of me. You can’t! I don’t want to move on!” The spirit’s screams used to scare Maddy, but the months of being possessed by the spirit made her used to spooky things. She knew that Bonnie was just a desperate 60-year-old ghost who was too afraid to move on. Now, Maddy had a chance to fully separate her from her body. Sadly, her roommates were a lot less fortunate. They had reported her speaking to herself while walking around in her sleep and even seeing her leave her room in the middle of the night. Using Maddy’s body, Bonnie would hurl objects around the room. Most of Her roommates permanently moved away from their shared apartment, while the ones who kept living with her sought therapy sessions.

Desperate for her own answers, Maddy turned to Doctor Henry, a medical doctor with an expansive history in spiritual exorcism. She had heard about him from a friend and decided to give him a try when she realized how much suffering her roommates were going through. He could sense the presence within her almost immediately and didn’t need a full explanation. He knew that there was a ghostly energy that was causing her distress, and he acted immediately.

And as Maddy closed her eyes, she could feel a sense of relief. The sound of Bonnie’s screaming were beginning to fade as she started to fall into a deep sleep. Maddy could feel Bonnie's presence leaving her body as the ghostly figure was sucked into the mist. Minutes went by, and Maddy felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. But when she opened her eyes, she realized that her mind was floating above her body, and an evil smile was on her face.



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