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Lionel was in nothing but his socks as he sat down on the ground. His firm bum felt so cold against the cold floor, but when he placed his hand over his throbbing crotch, he could feel the heat rushing through him. He let out a surprised moan and felt the waves of pleasure coursing through him. His new vagina felt incredible, and he found himself wanting to do nothing but play with himself.

He stared down at his breasts and gawked at the way his light pink nipples hardened. His body felt younger and extremely receptive to the way his fingers naughtily molested him. Lionel couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if someone else were touching him right now…

"Oh my god..." Lionel moaned softly as he continued playing with himself. "I'm going crazy."

Suddenly, something seemingly snapped inside of him. His fingers entered his damp inner folds, and he could feel his feminine flesh squeezing him the moment a pressure began to build up. He realized that he was about to have his first female orgasm. It took all of his willpower not to scream or shout aloud from how intense this feeling was becoming. The sensation grew stronger by the second until finally, Lionel's entire body tensed up for an instant before letting loose a loud cry of ecstasy. His eyes rolled back into his head as he came hard onto his own hands. A wetness seeped out of him and flooded the floor with his lust.

His head felt fuzzy and warm, and all he could do was stare up at the ceiling. He felt like the orgasm had overwhelmed him. Sighing, he tried to speak out loud to himself, but the only thing he could say was gibberish. He slowly rose from the ground, his sexy tummy and legs still twitching while his body recovered from his incredible orgasm. When he looked at his papers, he remembered that he was documenting important things for the experiment when he realized that he could no longer read.

As he struggled to focus, Lionel realized that he had made a grave mistake. He had not considered the full effects of the serum on his mind and body, and now he was trapped in a body that was slowly becoming stupid. The orgasm had only accelerated the loss of his intelligence. He struggled to write everything down to scan the proper formula for later, but because he was moving so quickly, he accidentally stumbled into his desk. A flask poured over his notes and completely ruined the formula’s ink.

The only way to reverse everything was his mind and his meticulous notes. Unfortunately, without the formula, there would be no way to return him to normal.



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