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Lionel struggled to focus as he sat in his lab, surrounded by beakers and test tubes filled with various chemicals. He knew he felt horny, especially after staring at himself in the mirror for so long, but he knew something else was going on. “I’m going to need to document this…”

He had been working on a serum for months, one that could turn his son into a woman. Josh was interested in transitioning fully, so Lionel wanted to give him something special as a gift. Personally, Lionel had always been fascinated by the idea and had devoted all of his time and energy into creating the perfect formula.

As he worked, Lionel couldn't help but glance at his reflection in a nearby mirror. The transformation had been instantaneous. And now, he couldn't believe how different and pretty he looked as a girl after he brought some of his wife’s clothes to the lab. He also noticed his features were softer, his skin was clearer, and his hair was longer and more lustrous. 

He felt a sense of pride and excitement wash over him as he realized that his experiment had been a success. He adjusted his wife’s tank top around his massive breasts and felt satisfied with the results. All he had to do was record everything happening to him.

Lionel tried to focus on his work, but found it increasingly difficult as the hours passed. He was becoming more and more absorbed in the changes happening to him, and found himself spending more and more time staring at his reflection in the mirror. He knew that he needed to finish his documentation and move on to the next phase of his experiment, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right.

“No, it’s fine,” he assured himself while he looked at his phone’s reflection. He was starting to get anxious, so he was starting to distract himself with other things. He began looking through his phone to take a break when an online video commercial began to play at the corner of his screen. 

Flashes of muscular men chasing after women in bikinis caught his eye, and he realized that his sexual orientation had shifted in his transformed body. “Very … very interesting.” It didn’t take long before he decided to do something he hadn’t thought of doing before. He locked the lab door and slowly began to undress.



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