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Susanne looked down at Wendy’s pretty pink nails and smiled when she realized that she was alive again. She could feel the young girl’s heart racing while she moved around the graveyard. Her clothes fit her perfectly, and her body was much healthier and skinnier than her old body was. Closing her eyes, she focused her thoughts and sensed Wendy still inside of her. She coughed hard and moaned painfully until she felt a warmth exiting her lips. Suddenly, an orange wisp was floating around her.

“I can’t believe that worked,” Susanne laughed. “I knew Halloween was the perfect day to attempt this, but this was all hypothetical. Being a spirit isn’t that fun, huh?”

“What did you do to us?”

“That’s really spooky,” Susanne cooed. “I guess that I can actually see spirits now that I have your body. I could never do this before.” She looked around and could see all sorts of wisps around her. “Very very interesting. Let me tell you, Wendy, I was really afraid. I was afraid of being unable to actually feel what it’s like to live. But after spending so much time with you, my soul just naturally attached to you. It was only a matter of time before I eventually loosened your soul.”

“But how? Why?”

“Tons of exposure,” Susanne said. “You shouldn’t have spent so much time here. I wouldn’t have eventually gained the courage to try possessing you.” Admittedly, she didn’t know the full details, but it wasn’t like she cared. She had a new body now, and she had a chance to restart her life. After an expensive divorce and a stagnant career, she spent nearly 30 years at the graveyard thinking about where she had messed up. She knew that her lack of education was the biggest factor for her unhappiness, and so stealing Wendy’s life was the perfect way to start all over.

When Susanne remained trapped on the mortal plane as a spirit, she thought she’d never be able to move on. Death had cut her life short. But when she met Wendy, she realized that she had a chance to at least leave the graveyard. She didn’t think possessing her would be at all possible, but now that she had Wendy’s body, she was excited to see how different the outside world was. And it also helped that Wendy had told her everything about her life. The young woman had vented about her personal relationships, job, and hobbies. Wendy ran a Halloween themed blog that she ran throughout the year, and Susanne felt like she could easily take over where Wendy had left off. Suddenly, she felt a chill as she looked around. The orange wisp was trying to get inside of her. “Give my body back!” The wisp roared.

Thankfully, since Susanne had no intention of returning to eternal life as a restless spirit, she slowly walked onward, gazing at all the graves while she laughed. “Sorry, Wendy, I’m not letting you back inside. You can stay here, though. Have fun with all the other spirits. I know you enjoyed speaking with them - I have a second chance at life, and I’m going to live it to the fullest.” Wendy watched helplessly as the body thief left the graveyard. She tried to follow after her, but her soul was bound to Susanne’s grave. All she could do was hope somebody would notice a change in her body’s personality. Unfortunately, Susanne’s extroverted personality and love for people were a welcome change for her social circle.



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