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“This is so stupid,” Dan had said with his face covered in sweat. When he agreed to switch bodies with his wife, Anita, he wasn't expecting to be doing this much work. Anita was a stay at home housewife while Dan was an accountant. They both met each other at the same accounting firm before they decided to settle down. Anita was getting used to being a stay at home mom for when their kids came along, but Dan was getting annoyed with their marriage. Their counselor suggested living in each other’s shoes, so they were referred to a body swapping clinic to do just that. Their marriage was falling apart, and they knew they had to do something.

He didn't realize how much work she had to put up with. The constant cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the dogs all day was a lot to handle. It was even harder when he had to do it by himself. But, Dan eventually loved his temporary life after a few weeks. It was hard work, but it was appreciative work that Anita seemed happy with doing. He thought he'd sit around the house all day and do whatever he wanted. Sure, he had chances to play with his feminine figure and enjoyed what it was like to have a female orgasm. But Anita had a lot on her list, and he found himself appreciating her ability to keep herself busy at home. Keeping everything neat and organized took time that he could never do while he juggled a full-time job.

In contrast, Anita was finding Dan's job to be a lot more difficult than she thought. It was a lot of sitting in front of the computer and working with numbers. She hated the long hours and the mental fatigue that came with being an accountant. She always appreciated her husband's work ethic, but her husband always seemed bitter around her for this very reason.

But when the time came for them to swap back, they both realized how lucky they were to have each other. For the first time in months, they finally managed to cuddle and make love. Days before they tried to switch back, they were pleased to learn that they were going to have a child. The bad news was that they wouldn’t be able to swap until after the pregnancy. Thankfully, deep down, Dan was more than willing to take the pain for his wife. After all, with all the hell he’d given her, she deserved it.



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