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Margery swallowed her tenth pill that week expecting the fat continue to burn. She'd always been out of shape, and when a local drug company asked if she was willing to be a test subject, she decided to jump at the opportunity. She'd been on the drug for a few weeks and was seeing results; her clothes were fitting better and she had more energy. She was so excited about it that she even broke the news to her boyfriend, Dave. He was just as interested in the drug as she was. But on this particular day, something went wrong.

Instead of the usual burning sensation in her stomach, she felt a sharp pain followed by a tingling in her lower regions. She looked down to see that her penis was growing! She panicked and tried to stop it, but it was too late; within minutes she was fully erect and nearly seven inches long. Her female genitalia rested beneath her length, but she was still disoriented by the ordeal.

“Holy shit,” Dave whispered.

“Oh god … oh god. No, this isn’t … this isn’t supposed to happen.”

“Babe, I’m sure it’s reversible.”

The experience was so traumatizing that she never took weight loss drugs again. Unfortunately, the company ended up canceling the research, so Margery was stuck with a penis she would probably be too afraid to use for the rest of her life. She desperately searched for surgical options, but when Dave eventually became open to the idea of playing around with it, Margery thankfully realized that things wouldn’t be so bad. She was still a woman with an extra body part, yet Dave was open minded enough to accept the altered her.



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