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Louise loved how the sun felt on Vicky's skin, but he especially liked it when he could see every guy staring at him at the beach. He loved how he looked in his new bikini and how it hugged his body in all the right places. Some guys were with their girlfriends and wives, but Louise didn't care. With his flowing hair and fit body, he knew he was the hottest woman at the beach.

And he had his boyfriend, Mark, to thank for all of this. He worked at a body conditioning center where people could temporarily have a trainer possess their bodies to help them lose weight. The program happened twice per week, but the center wasn't free from unethical behavior. One of the trainers, Vicky, ended up stealing another woman's body and running off with it. The trainer loved how pretty the girl was, and after helping her lose weight, she decided to do the unthinkable. Authorities were still searching for her nearly a month later, and with the trainer's body completely empty, Mark decided to let Louise have it until they could track down the body thief.

Now, with the perfect body to strut in Louise was really getting used to his new life. He loved the attention and the feminine sensations that came with Vicky's fit form. Lying down near the crashing waves, a smirk stretched across his face. "I'm never going back to my old body," he decided. "They'll have to drag me back at the body conditioning center. I'm not going back."



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