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Part 2 

Chelsea couldn't believe what was happening as she crawled along the floor. After waking up in the body of an old woman, the college girl struggled to come to terms with what had happened. But when she saw her young body smirking at her from down the hallway, she knew exactly what had happened. Her elderly neighbor had stolen her body, and now she was stuck inside the old woman's skin.

Madeline cackled as she strutted down the hallway in Chelsea's body. She knew that she had won the ultimate prize. Not only did she have a new young and sexy body, but she also had Chelsea's life. She would have all of her friends, her boyfriend, and her future. And all she had to do was convince Chelsea to come over and have tea with her. After sneaking a body swapping potion into both of their drinks, the two immediately swapped bodies. But Chelsea wouldn't wake up until seemingly hours after the transfer.

"I won't lie to you. I can't believe how long it's been since I've been in a body as young as yours. The sensitivity will take a bit of getting used to, but me and my husband are going to have loads of fun once I get him inside of your boyfriend."

Chelsea wasn't going to just sit back and let this happen, though. Her mind ran at a million miles per second. She was going to fight for her body and her life. She would find a way to switch back into her own body, and then she would make the woman pay for what she had done. But as Chelsea struggled to reach the cold cups of tea, Madeline took them and dumped them on the hardwood floor. "N-No ... nobody ... I'll tell people. People will know."

"Good luck convincing people what just happened," Madeline said as she pranced away.



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