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Zack was pleased with the outcome, despite the fact that it took around two months to see the full results. He didn’t think it was going to work.

He had been taking pills to change his gender for a school experiment, and he was expecting a complete failure until his body started making changes after the first month of taking his pills.

The moment before it happened, he woke up to a stretching sensation that made him want to throw up. He was asleep in his bed when it happened.

His cock had developed a vagina while he slept, and his male genitals eventually became absorbed by his new vagina later in the afternoon. He documented the change and felt everything else about him beginning to change. He prodded at his feminine parts and noticed immediately that the sensations weren't anything he'd experienced before.

Halfway through the fifth week, his hips had widened and small, firm breasts had appeared on his chest. He discovered that his skin felt smoother too. After filling up a laptop with his thoughts, he decided to stop taking the pills, only to discover that quitting wasn't reversing the changes. In fact, his feminine transition only escalated.

He experienced his first period barely a week before he discovered that he'd have to make a new set of pills to change his gender back. But after a while, he stopped caring and accepted his new fate. He’d just have to get used to his new body, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be too bad. He just had to adjust.



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