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Kelly was a young girl struggling in her English class, so she decided to get help from a tutor. Bernadette had years of experience as a teacher at a community college, and since she was retired, she was more than willing to take on clients here and there. Her pension income as a senior was incredibly low, and since she lived alone, she had to do extra things to make ends meet.

At first, things seemed to be going great. Kelly made a lot of progress in her understanding of the material, but each lesson made her feel queasy. Eventually, she began experiencing headaches. She decided to cancel one of her upcoming lessons and told Bernadette over the phone that she'd continue next week. But the old woman's voice sent shivers down her spine. "It's about time. I've been waiting for this for so long. I’ve always wanted to be blonde.”

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked. She was worried that the old woman was getting sick of tutoring her, but Bernadette was talking about something else. The moment she hung up was the moment the world went black. The world faded away for several seconds before she could finally see again. To her horror, she was no longer in control. Her body moved on its own through her room and to the nearest mirror. "What's going on?"

Her eyes stared into her as a horrible smile stretched across her face. "Oh, you're still in here? Your voice is quieter, so I guess you'll fade over time. I've been casting rituals on you during your visits whenever I'd go to the bathroom. It took longer than expected, but now I'm here." Her hands brushed the curves of her shoulders and her breasts. "And I'm not leaving." Bernadette had stolen Kelly's life to start over, and there was nothing the young girl could do about it as her soul was permanently infused with Bernadette's personality.



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