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Hi guys! I just wanted to share this with you. I saw these awesome aircraft flying in towards Banyoles on my way into the office this morning so I had to stop and film them.




CRAZY skilled Firefighting pilots doing touch-and-go!

I made this video as I was driving to the office and suddenly saw these AT-802 Air tractors flying in towards Banyoles lake. I stopped the car and stood in wonder as I was watching these professionals do several touch and go landings on the lake to practice scoping up water before the fire fighting season starts. In order to do these landings they have to approach the lake over a large ridge, probably about 200 feet high, they then have to dive down behind the hill, land and take off again before they reach the trees at the far shore. They then need to make a left turn before the mountain on the other side of the lake. Enjoy the show!



Now do a water grab in a L1011 or B747… happens on big fires in California….

Henry Feldman

Awfully close to those power lines! And those don’t have the visibility balls on them.