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Hi my friends and supporters. I’m sorry I haven’t given you any time for my weekly hangout this week but the circumstances are a bit special.

I am in London Stansted right now for my bi-annual simulator check tomorrow morning. I could try to make a ZOOM call from the hotel but the internet connection keeps interrupting.

I will finish my simulator tomorrow, then travel back to Barcelona, have one day at home and then I will be flying 2 days (!!)

So the hangout will have to be postponed to next week, keep your questions ready!

Have a lovely weekend my friends, my weekly video will also be delayed until Saturday evening.





Absolute mayhem here yesterday (includinga similar internet problems !) so I've only just seen this (Friday at 08:00). So glad I didn't miss it !


I hope the simulator check goes smoothly, but having seen you in action and listened to your videos, I know it's a foregone conclusion that it will!