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I apparently can't add a second image to a post, so here's a new post. :)

As noted below, I whitened the hair, which I think looks better still, and, since I'm still terrible with proportions after all these years and still tend to draw the ladies a bit... saggy, I raised the bosom a smidge as well.

And, to answer some of the questions from below: As for a trendy bob cut or something like that, as already noted, I can't do hair well. Every time I try a different style, it never looks right, or worse, takes six times longer to draw.

I also have a badly atrophied sense of fashion, so any such attempt at a "trendy" hairstyle tends to wind up looking like the result of a bad accident involving gas-powered lawn-care equipment. :)

As for a species, as below she's a Siberian Husky. Once these strips go live on the main page, there will be a Cast Page addition.

And for a pronunciation, for the sake of the argument, Mikittok is technically pronounced pretty much phonetically, as "MIH-kit-tock", and so should properly be shortened to "Mikket". But for the strip, I think we can get away with pronouncing it "MICKey-tock", and shortened to "Miki" ("Mickey".)

(Cara, by the way, is pronounced "CAR-uh", not "CAY-ruh". :) )





They both look good! Thanks for the pronunciation lesson, too!


Blue eyes?


Most actual women are someowhat... droopy. Or saggy. I like the way you draw the females, myself. And the white hair is much better, I agree.


I think she's come out looking lovely, and that's a -really- good name.


Or those almost white blue eyes you see on some huskies.

Matthias Urlichs

The raised breasts look cool, though the dark line under her left one needs some tempering. I'd widen it a bit, and lighten it to somewhere between black and the surrounding shade.

Matthias Urlichs

(the other one, too, come to think of it)


saggy boobs look real -- spherical boobs look ... bizarre at best. As you've noted in other places.


I'd be tempted to give her just some rising bangs, almost like a crest or Pompadour. Concerning her chest, you could always make her bras (or preferences thereof) a running gag.

Joseph H.

That is an interesting name! I like it! Origin?


I tried various light blues, but they made for a weird look- like she was hypnotized, or supposed to be blind, or something. And if I made the blue dark enough that wasn't as pronounced, it was barely distinguishable from the black pupil anyway.


Yeah. This version does look slightly better than the gray version.


Hey, we need more grey and white characters *Pointing at himself* XP She is an adorable little fireball isn't she? would love to see more of her!


The whiter hair and boob lift are perfect. Boobs could go higher when excited, husky's are lean work machines, steady pace and beautiful.