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Better than the previous strip, but still not happy with the hair.

Next strip should go up Monday, but probably won't be the next one in sequence. Gotta keep some jokes for when it goes live on the main page. :)





Regarding the last panel, back on Dec 22 Cara said six times, not four. "Four" may be downplaying things intentionally, though. <a href="http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb2259.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb2259.html</a>


I do think the grey works better on the husky than the black. I'm tempted to suggest trying without the human-style hair on the head. With boobs as part of the package, I don't think there will be any confusion over whether she's male or female.


I like the hair, but it does seem a bit like a muff over that right ear. LOL Got faith in Doc's drawing skills though...keep after it and you'll nail it. :)


i thought it was 6 times. and Doc would probably break her lol


Maybe make it less of a full 'do and more of just the "Pompadour"? And I don't believe Cara is going to "share" Doc -- but much of the rest of the gang may be available.


No, she said "half a dozen", which in that case was less an exact number and more like saying " a bunch of times".


Tried it without the hair, or with just a short 'butch' type style, and that was even worse. If I left it black or dark, she looked like a blockhead, if I made it light she looked like a Marine. :)


who says she couldn't be a Marine? :) :) :) :) Nevertheless, as I said on an earlier thread, I am not an artist. I really do hope you find a style for her that looks good to you in advance of going 'live' at TWB


Oh. I've never heard "half a dozen" used as other than literally half of 12. I suspect that there will be others who have a similar comment/question about the apparent disparity.


Well, the "pompadour" look wasn't intentional, it was just to try and differentiate it from Pirta's and Cassie's hair, both of which look more like a sort of 'pageboy' haircut. I seem to only be able to draw two hairstyles- either a ponytail or the pageboy. :) I wanted something different for this character- and for that matter, I've been trying to work up something better for Cara too. I liked the early versions, but the later drawings aren't quite what I want. I'm still working on 'em.


Yes, "half a dozen" is literally six, but it's also commonly used as an indeterminate shorthand- more than "several", but less than "a bunch". :) "There must be half a dozen of 'em in there!" "The car rolled half a dozen times before coming to a stop..." and so on. :) Cara was just being kind of sarcastic- "hey, we've only slept together about half a dozen times, isn't it a little early to be calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend?"


Of the adults though, who in the regular crew at Doc's shop is unattached? The only ones that come to mind offhand are Rainman and Bandit, and that may just be that they are going steady, but it simply hasn't come up in the comic. (They are definitely interested in the female form, though, judging from their reactions to the shower gag with Sandy way back when, and when Sandy accidentally mooned the gang during one of the zombie apocalypse storylines where she was only wearing one of Doc's t-shirts while her regular clothes were in the wash.)


<a href="http://the-whiteboard.com/autoaf07.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://the-whiteboard.com/autoaf07.html</a> and <a href="http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1296.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1296.html,</a> respectively


A lot of women around here are wearing their hair in a bun, either on top or back of the head. Trying to picture husky ears with a bun between or behind them isn't really working in my head.


How about a french braid with a tail? <a href="http://www.more.com/beauty/hair/braided-hairstyles/50-fabulous-french-braid-hairstyles-diy/basic-french-braid" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.more.com/beauty/hair/braided-hairstyles/50-fabulous-french-braid-hairstyles-diy/basic-french-braid</a>#


"Why do you want to 'borrow' him, Mikittok?"


"He's a man - Can he fix expresso machines?"


Actually, I kind of assume that Doc will be going right there - the only question will be how many adjunct functions are added on...

jay maechtlen

"a couple of days" - heh!

Sean Long

Better question: who in their right mind would LET him fix their espresso machine? :D