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While she's still not really what I had in mind at the beginning, I think this version should work out fairly well. The main issue was that a full black for the body coloring simply wasn't going to work, especially around the eyes, without a great deal of extra shading and effort.

But after lightening it up to a dark faintly-bluish grey, she started coming together. Still not terribly happy with the hair, though- I just can't draw decent hair- so expect the design with still evolve a bit more as the strips progress. I may fall back to fully-white hair (with shading) to match the tail, I'm still playing with the colors.

The name was suggested in a previous thread- "Miki", which was given as being an Inuit (Native Alaskan) word for "small". The Inuit languages really don't shorten or abbreviate words, so the proper term is "mikittok", but as a proper name, it easily shortens to "Miki" or even "Mick".

Now, on to the next one! :)





Since she works in a coffee shop, why not a page boy bob, or the shaven on one side hair styles?


What species is she?


Duh. Reread the earlier thread.

Louis Richards

How is she about herbal tea? The Mick of thyme, maybe?

Christopher Chung

I think a white mane would look better than the light grey. Looking good! (then again, I have a thing for short women) Can't wait to see the next one!

Lord Chaos

Looking adorable. Think an olde gray wolf might stand a chance with her?

Brighttail Faux Pas

I think she looks just fine the way she is. Well done, Doc.


Woohoo! Lookin' good!


Nicely done. BTW: How do you pronounce her full name?


Mikittok seems like great character.