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Still a work in progress, and needs a couple more hours of shading and detail work, but I ran out of time. Gives a first look at the shop- it's not a 'chain' coffee shop, and it's in an older building with high ceilings.





she seems to look inside suspiciously lol


no customers at 12:30 or 12:45 (assuming she kept to the prediction given in the 2016-12-02 The Whiteboard strip) seems a bit problematic. Or there are a customer or two out-of-view or, being a work in progress, not filled in yet.


Older building, high ceilings? Probably an old 'tin' ceiling. Like here: <a href="http://www.americantinceilings.com/inspiration-gallery.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.americantinceilings.com/inspiration-gallery.html</a> JUst a site I found in 30 seconds, no affiliation, but I've always liked those old ceilings.


....Wait, Cara works at Coffee of Doom? :)


Ahh...we have little shops like that all throughout the Midwest. Every little town around here could easily have a coffee shop like that. Most are usually small cafes or other types of businesses. :) Cara does look a bit cranky there.


Or uncertainly. /Something/ is wrong, though.


like...why is it so PINK? is it a PRANK ON ME!!! lol


I wonder how it will look after Doc and Roger finish 'ímproving' the expresso machine with their teleporting technology and test-run it....

Duncan Gibbs

looks a bit odd with her fur and the awnings color being so close together...


They're not awnings, they're curtains in the top half of some tall windows. And yeah, I'm still playing with the color- it'll probably be more of a brown/tan to match the room, or maybe an orangish-red to match the "sun" above the door.

Wild Card

She has a full body blush going on. I wonder what she is thinking of? ;)


Like the little sunburst over the door, Doc!


Well, at least it's clean...


Hey, unlike with the beer, it being warm when delivered is no problem.