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Still kind of a work in progress: Still playing with the colors of the shop (leaning toward browns and reds) and working on some background images for various scenes.

And yes, the first look at one of the other baristas- supposed to be a black and white Husky, but not 100% happy with the character design yet. Didn't want to go with white hair, but the black-with-white-frost look isn't working when the image is reduced.

And, I have no idea what to name her. Suggestions welcomed. :)





Rebecca Periwinkle McCollie VII, "RPM" for short.


Little cafes often use red checkered gingham as part of their decor. Red is supposed to stimulate people to be hungry. :) As for names, perhaps since you mentioned it, I like the name Frosty, might describe her personality trait. However, based on nothing whatsoever but a gut reaction, she looks like a Vera to me.


Wati (Indonesian for "woman". A double pun, "water" and sourced from Java. Wangi is "fragrant" in Indonesia, Tirta is "sacred water, place of pilgrimage", Putri is "daughter" [of owner?], and Fatima is "to abstain" [because she doesn't drink the product?].)


Busted coffee machine and Doc coming in later??? HIDE THE TOOLS!!!


Whitney. She looks like a Whitney.

jay maechtlen

Seems like Cara may be the actual owner/boss!


Louise or perhaps Vera.

William Burns

I triple the suggestion of Vera.


"Miki". Inuit for small.. and next to Cara, she IS relatively small...


My only thoughts on a name are "Maya" and "Annie", the names of the two huskies that live with a friend nearby.


Apparently, for the purpose of attracting customers, "not as bad as it used to be" is insufficient endorsement. "... nobody's come in in two hours ..." is definitely not good for a coffee shop when those two hours cover nearby businesses' lunch break time. Even assuming most potential customers are likely to be residents of a fairly small Alaska town, if no one is coming by at lunch time the place is seriously in jeopardy.