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Something a bit special for current and new Patrons: we'll be running a few strips from a little later in the storyline, following Cara as she goes back to work at the coffee shop.

You ladies and gents will get an early look at the coffee shop itself (plus, ahem, it'll give me a chance to get a handle on drawing it before it 'goes live' on the main page :) ) plus we'll get to meet the two newest characters!

And yeah, I say "we" because I haven't quite figured them out myself. This is also a way to play with those characters a bit before putting them out in public, and maybe get some suggestions, ideas and feedback in the process.

I'll try to shoot for two additonal strips per week, time and workload permitting, and for six to eight strips in total. These will be seen on the main page, in the main storyline, in 1-2 months, alternating scenes between Cara at work, and seeing Doc at work.

Hope you like it, and as always, thanks for reading!





Love the sidewalk sign :)


I agree, the sidewalk sign is wonderful!


We /might/ be able to understand the sidewalk sign, but I'm wondering if we really see enough of it.


Much as I might like to try to jam some deeper hidden meaning in there, nope. What you see is what you get: "Please come in! It's not as bad as it used to be!" :)


Leaving how bad it used to be to the imagination of the reader is genius of a Hitchcockian nature.


Looking forward to this.

D. Stuart

Like the 'specials'/comment board. there..


Can't wait to see her in her natural habitat.

William Burns

I think she's the new owner. This is going to be hilarious.

Rod Shampine

Maybe she inherited it? I'm trying to think of a more ridiculous plot twist, but without resorting to zombies or aliens... Not that we couldn't use some fully justifiable carnage!

Rod Shampine

by the way, having machine tools myself, I really appreciate the accurate Bridgeport hanging from the ceiling! Now if I can just figure out who I can give a welded shut Christmas present to!


Rod Shampine? *insert Obi-wan meme here*