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As of the last two orders going out today or tomorrow, I am, only for the moment, officially out of books! 

Not completely, but there's some pretty big holes in the collection. :) I'll have to spend some time, although not 'til probably well after the first of the year, building the ol' inventory back up, and at some point rework the stores so you all are finally able to order singles if you'd like.

As always thank you very much for your support, and hope you all have a Merry Christmas, some Happy Holidays, and/or a very Happy New Year! :)




Merry Christmas, Doc!


Congrats on the book sales and Merry Christmas!

Wild Card

It is a nice problem to have, so long as you don't miss any sales due to it.


Woohoo! We who are doing life in the publishing gulag salute you!


Wow! Congratulations on the success of the sale! We wish you a Very Merry Christmas and an extraordinarily Happy New Year.


Merry Christmas!