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I'd like to officially welcome all our new members, who were apparently entirely too eager to see Roger killed- though I now wonder how violently they wanted him killed. :D

And I'd like to officially thank all of you- new, old, lapsed or otherwise, for your interest and enthusiasm in the comic, and for your generosity. You all have no idea how much I appreciate that.

That above is a sampling of this years' book sketches. Several from this years batch I'd like to properly finish up and color, and I'm sure there's a few here that would like to see Miki in color. :) Don't worry, I also have some AJs and Frostys in there too...

And, on that note, for you new members and maybe a few of you that have been around a little longer, here's kind of how this place works:

First and foremost, I wear two hats. I have two "day jobs"- a machinist and small-time manufacturer by day, and cartoonist by night. (I have the cape and everything!) So traffic here is part of both- mostly extra art, but as I've gotten into making simple videos of the machine shop stuff, there's some of that, too. I know some of you are only here for one or the other, but I try and make it all entertaining.

Second, despite the warning Patreon slapped on the page, this is not necessarily an "adult" channel. Yes, there's some adult art, and likely will be more in the future, but it's not the main purpose of this page.

[Edit:] Any 'adult' stuff gets posted at the $5-and-up tiers, if that sort of thing matters to you.

Third, as for that main purpose, while many artists have regular submissions to their page (along with contests, polls, streams, etc.) as much as I wish I could do something like that, I rarely have the free time. Please consider that your membership here is helping support the five-day-a-week main comic, and I'm really only able to post extras as time, inspiration and opportunity allows.

Why don't I quit one and focus on the other? I can't. Not being able to build cool stuff would be just as bad for me as not being able to draw cool stuff- and vice versa.

... To say nothing of the fact that neither one, by itself, earns what you might call a fair income. :D Both together actually start to qualify. :)

I know that might come as a bit of a shock to many of you, that a guy working out of his garage in Left Armpit, Alaska, making small handfuls of parts for obsolete paintball guns, and in his spare time drawing furry comics, isn't just raking in the dough, but hey, I guess it's just my luck of the draw. :D

So, TL:DR version: I post new stuff here irregularly. Sometimes it's a bit of an extra comic or alternate punchline, sometimes it's a quick sketch, sometimes it's proper art when I have both the time and inspiration to do such a thing, sometimes it's a shop video. I wish I could put stuff up more and faster, but then, I also wish there were 36 hours in a day, there were two of me, and neither of us needed to sleep. :)

But no matter what, thank you all for coming along for the ride! There's still lots of shenanigans in store for our crew, so I hope you'll stay to see it! :)





See, that sense of humor is why I'm here in the first place. So, how many folks *did* sign on? If y'don't mind saying.


Net gain of 17 new members, and five book orders. Plus a couple I still need to sort out.


Not a bad profit for a filler post! Hopefully they all come to enjoy the show as much as I have and stick around for a while.

Lord Chaos

What a long strange trip it's been.


Thank you Doc. I'll be here. Lurking like any fox.

Jenifur Charne

The comic got me to the forums, and then to here on Patreon. So for me, accessing the bonus content art here, was the drawcard.


I'm perfectly happy with what I'm getting, and that is a steady stream of fun comics which I love to support even and especially since I don't have to pay for accessing them. For me, that's why I'm on Patreon, and not in a comic book store. Regarding your "two" lives, though... live advice from Edna Mode: "No Cape!" And perhaps get some sleep inbetween those two as well. Don't want you end up like Roger here :)

Carl G Knoblock

I spend most of my time reading comics. That's what brought me here. I have always been fascinated by machinery, so I enjoy watching that as well. I also enjoy work. I could sit and watch it for hours.


Thanks, Doc! I'm not a paintballer, but the machine shop videos fascinate me, and the thoughts of buying coffee from a polar bear are..intriguing.


Sarge plays Hamlet like no-one else.

Steve Cox

I decided to become a machinist partially because of you, Doc. I have never regretted my decision. One day I'd like to visit.


Been reading your stuff for 15 years now. It's only gotten better and I can't wait to see where it goes next. Keep it up !

Cyrus McEnnis (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 12:53:47 Bit late, but for what it's worth: I _really_ enjoy both the comic, which I've been reading for years, AND the machinist side of things. My dad was an engineer - electrical by trade, but he had his own "small" workshop in the garage and I always hoped that once he retired we'd build something together. He passed away before that could happen, but the projects and stuff on your site reminds me of him, and I _really_ enjoy reading about your creations. So thank you for taking the time & effort to put those things up where I can, at least a little bit, be reminded of my dad : )
2021-12-12 02:17:33 Bit late, but for what it's worth: I _really_ enjoy both the comic, which I've been reading for years, AND the machinist side of things. My dad was an engineer - electrical by trade, but he had his own "small" workshop in the garage and I always hoped that once he retired we'd build something together. He passed away before that could happen, but the projects and stuff on your site reminds me of him, and I _really_ enjoy reading about your creations. So thank you for taking the time & effort to put those things up where I can, at least a little bit, be reminded of my dad : )

Bit late, but for what it's worth: I _really_ enjoy both the comic, which I've been reading for years, AND the machinist side of things. My dad was an engineer - electrical by trade, but he had his own "small" workshop in the garage and I always hoped that once he retired we'd build something together. He passed away before that could happen, but the projects and stuff on your site reminds me of him, and I _really_ enjoy reading about your creations. So thank you for taking the time & effort to put those things up where I can, at least a little bit, be reminded of my dad : )


I've been reading since late 2002 and have gotten enough free entertainment that I don't care if you ever post anything here. Heck, I continue to support Mark Stanley and you've got him beat by around 1000% on Patreon content already.