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Trying to decide where to go in the next couple of weeks, so figured I'd offer up the first-ever poll to you ladies and gents. I was considering leading into another "date night", but we had one of those not that long ago, so here's your chance to chime in, let me know what you think!



Stephanie L. Weippert

I'm curious about Miki & want to know more about her.


I'd like to see Miki's paranoia get her in trouble, such as sneaking into Doc's place to discover what goes on in the lower floors...

Walter W Matera

Definitely date night with Miki and the entire fire department. And blowing stuff up, of course.

Welsh Rat

...or a couple of the kids doing something totally innocent that could be mistaken for a date night by the others.


I'm all for Shoey & Tawny getting a little more screen time. But with lynxes, I might be a little partial. And I want so stuff to blow up ^^'

Theodore Ursus

I vote for Shoey and Tawny! They need some more screen time before the Tourney begins!

Darque Hellmutt

I think Welsh Rat had a GREAT idea! I'd vote for that.


I vote for things blowing up - but I like the date night idea, if you have them go to Howie's!


While I find the idea of watching Sandy do her taxes oddly appealing, the date night ideas are probably best. So long as the date night is done before summertime. ;)


Paint ball and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily in that order. Or possibly both at once.

Sleepy John

While I think it would be interesting to see Miki try to find Chase's ignition point, I also think it would be a twist if Miki ending up standing for three hours with a spear and a wreath and a cluster of grapes while Chase painted her as part of his Nymphs of Vesuvius series. And then try to explain it to Cara.


Is one of the firedogs named Marshall? And is he the Moon Moon of the department?