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I said earlier I'd post the cleaned-up book sketch I'd used as a line-art sample, so here it is! I was hoping to have gotten closer to finishing it, but as usual, free time is in very short supply these days.

I'd like to take a moment now and welcome the half dozen or so new patrons that just joined in the last few days, and thank them and those of you that bumped your patronage up a bit for getting us back up and over the final Milestone. :)

I've shot a bit of sample video, trying to figure out what will work best/look best, and I've been trying to think of things that would keep it somewhat entertaining as well. I'm quite new at this whole video-editing thing, so expect the first few to look pretty amateurish. :)

I mean, besides the art itself being amateurish. :)

This coming week is due to be pretty busy too, but I'll try to finish up the above sketch and maybe one other from the same set of books.

Anyway, as always, thanks for reading, and thank you very much for your support!

