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Thank you all for participating in that fun little poll. Always good to hear directly from the readers! :)

Anyway, as you can see, "Date Night with Chase & Miki" leads the pack by a long stretch, with all three 'date nights' taking over 60% of the vote totals.

So, naturally, in the next few weeks, we'll see... Sandy doing her taxes. :D

Kidding, I'm kidding! Since "just get on with it" got the next highest total (and considering the Tournament was first mentioned in *cough* 2011) here's what we're gonna do.

We'll have a fairly short 'date night', mostly on Miki and Chase, but we'll peek in on the other two couples on occasion as well. I'll try to keep from getting to carried away, and try to keep it all short. 

After that, we'll cruise right into "tomorrow", which is "Friday", the day before the tourney, but we'll focus on just the tourney preparations, and roll into the event itself as soon as possible. I could jump straight in, but there are a few things I want to cover beforehand.

And, just to keep everyone happy, I'll try to have something blow up. Maybe have Sandy blow up Doc's taxes, cover all my bases. :)



Duncan Gibbs

So we'll get to the tourney in 2020. Got it 😜


Sexy times pic with Miki and chase


Just for that, Tuesday's strip will have Miki and Chase waking up on the field, with the tourney already in progress around them. :D