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I just got a call from MTA, the people that host both TWB and Doc's  Machine, and they laid a nice Christmas present on me: as of December  31st, they will be discontinuing any and all of their public web  hosting. They've always been a data farm for local heavy industry- that  is, the oil field- and apparently will continue to be, but they're  getting rid of their how level public-facing sites like mine.

So,  I have a month to migrate TWB and Doc's over to an all-new host. I know  I got a couple of offers back during the Great TWB Outage Of 2018, but I  was, at the time, still fairly happy with the service I'd gotten for  the last 20 years from MTA.

I am now open to  suggestions. I want a good, reliable host, based in the US, with a help  desk that features live people I can talk to, preferably also in  the US. I need a pretty high data limit- both sites are image-intensive  and get a reasonable amount of traffic. I currently pay something like  $35 a month for effectively no data limit- I've been "Slashdotted", or  whatever the current term is for seeing a huge spike in traffic, several  times, and has caused me no problems with my current host. 

And  the current setup is that the TWB domain name is hosted by one  company, the Doc's domain name is hosted by a second, and then the  actual sites are hosted by a third (in this case MTA.) If possible, I'd  like to have everything hosted by the same company, AND for that company  to be able to provide me with SSL certificates for both sites. (I just  jumped through all the hoops to 'secure' Doc's, and was about to start  on TWB.)

You'll also have to bear with me while we  work on this, as I have two dozen other things of various importance I  either need or want to get done before the end of the year.  We may wind  up with an outage or two, depending on how smoothly this all goes-  remember, software idiot here.  

All  my data is solidly backed up in offline storage, and I'm about to make  another copy as well. If TWB goes down, strip updates will be posted  here and/or on the Guild.





I'm not associated with them or anything, but have you tried Katbox? They already have several webcomics hosted.


I can heartily recommend lunarpages.com They meet all your stated criteria...and have been my host for 15 years. I've also used godaddy.com to register domains. Good luck!

Wild Card

What is this Guild that you mentioned here and during the great outage?

Mark Trombley

<a href="https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/thetinkersguild/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/thetinkersguild/</a>


I’m tempted to say “Try my company, Databank!” You’ll probably want the managed hosting side, which has 24/7 support from Baltimore. I work with the support team as I oversee their monitoring system, and a developer for the entire company. I would guess the sites could be put on a Linux virtual server (what we call “public cloud”) which just works exactly like a stand-alone box. We don’t do domain registration but we can put the domains on our DNS servers (easy to do with our Databank Portal). We also sell SSL certificates and install them for you. Migration is easy as we will migrate it for you - our Implementation team can move it without issue. Support is free. We can integrate with Cloudflare for DDoS protection, and most setups will come with a Cisco ASAv virtual firewall. We’ll monitor the system and if it ever goes down, we’re the front line for getting it back up. I will warn you, going this level is a bit more expensive. What you can do is check out www.databank.com and ask for a quote. The sales team will talk to you about what you need and what you’ll looking for. It may be worth while for comparison.


Outside of my company, try HareLink which hosts Kevin &amp; Kell. Bill Holbrook’s web comic suffered so much that he founded a real ISP to host it.

Brian Ballsun-Stanton

I'm happy to recommend routes to build your own site + CDN stuff. (Basically cloudflare plus a robust backend) But... I suspect you're preferring to use other peoples expertise first.


I'm using Linode and I'm really happy with them. They don't have domains though. SSL can be done via Let's Encrypt, totally free


I have no recommendation but I DO wish you nothing but success. I suspect that the recent dust up is the cause for the policy shift. I'd help more but I think you want more help than from a random person on the net. :) in the meantime let me know if y'all run out of dew!


Very happy with Omnis. <a href="https://www.omnis.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.omnis.com/</a> Been using them since 2004 to host and domain www.navweaps.com. Good luck with whoever you go with.


If I may make another suggestion, as you're doing a big move here, you might want to talk to the guy who did the "Speed Reader" for Freefall. Would cut down on your bandwidth usage and is much more user-friendly than your current archive setup. I've looked at his code, very impressive work.

orion hax

been with these guys for 10 years very happy <a href="https://www.hostgator.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.hostgator.com</a>