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Sorry about that people, I don't know what happened, and I am at the moment unable to connect to my host to fix it.

I also just sat through another 7.2 earthquake and am currently under a tsunami warning, but that's normal. :)

(Edit: The Warning's been lifted, as expected.)

(Edit, Part II: Was finally able to access the site, full strip's uploaded and should be fixed now. Sorry about the wait.)




Mr. Shy Guy

A true classic. One of my favorites.

Bill Hall

Be glad you’re not in Los Anchorage, my house looks like Doc had a party here!

Major Matt Mason

I used to have a '68 Mercedes 220 dizzel. One day, a pure white BMW came up behind me and blinked his lights, demanding that I speed up. I obliged him. The BMW was no longer pure white after that. :D


I am *so* making my car do that. Actually, I want to be able to make rainbow exhausts. Then it can truly be said that my car is flaming. Mwahaha.


I just heard about it on the Weather Channel! I hope you're ok Doc!


...it was a great idea to get all those TWB glasses shipped away to the customers before that earthquake ;)


Uuh, triethylborane. The stuff they used to ignite the JP-7 fuel on the SR-71 :). As a chemist, I always loved the concept to use a pyrophoric organoborane compound to start a jet engine :D. And it's colourful :).

Daniel Mountain

Well, if you're going to illegally modify your engine, it's nice to do so in a way that might actually contribute to performance, as opposed to just being another way to obnoxiously profess to your insecurities...


Doc, your site is still having issues loading up images. Some of the strips from a few days ago are failing to load.


Stay safe, Doc!


You sure that earthquake was nothing to do with you?

Rémi Beaulieu-Dubé

I'm actually quite curious about your opinion on coal rollers. Was the triethylborane meant to punish or one-up?

Lee Spiesman

My thought is it's what Roger said one time, "a little from column A, a little from column B..."

scotswolf59 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 13:40:28 Glad to see you came thru the quake okay, tho it appears Anchorage is screwed vis-a-vis road access for the foreseeable future. Like the triethylborane touch (hey, it worked for lighting up the SR-71 Blackbird, why not the Widowmaker?). Unfortunately, it looks like today's panel is having Friday's issue. Hang in there, and so shall we! >^-^<
2018-12-03 16:35:07 Glad to see you came thru the quake okay, tho it appears Anchorage is screwed vis-a-vis road access for the foreseeable future. Like the triethylborane touch (hey, it worked for lighting up the SR-71 Blackbird, why not the Widowmaker?). Unfortunately, it looks like today's panel is having Friday's issue. Hang in there, and so shall we! >^-^<

Glad to see you came thru the quake okay, tho it appears Anchorage is screwed vis-a-vis road access for the foreseeable future. Like the triethylborane touch (hey, it worked for lighting up the SR-71 Blackbird, why not the Widowmaker?). Unfortunately, it looks like today's panel is having Friday's issue. Hang in there, and so shall we! >^-^<


the car is beyond illegal. its more an weapon of mass destruction. good that its too complicated for anyone except morty.