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It's a touch late, but I'd still like to say I'm very thankful for all of your support, whether you're a top-tier donor or just a regular reader.

Your collective- and individual- generosity has been a huge help to my struggling little business, and it's fair to say there's no way I could have brought the books back, among other things, without your assistance.

You ladies and gentlemen have also helped fuel much-needed upgrades to my shop, and helped spur other fun side projects, like the somewhat-ill-fated-but-still-cool Howie's beer glasses. :)

I'm very thankful for all that, and even just for the simple fact you all get such a kick out of my silly drawings of funny animals blowing things up.

I still enjoy drawing these guys- and gals, that's one of my favorite book sketches from this past run, above, that I might just have to clean up and color- and I'll keep doing it as as people like you are around to read it.

Thank you, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving (or at least a safe and happy Thursday :) ) and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. See you Monday!





Thank you again for creating such an awesome comic. Some of the panels taken out of context (like the catnip spice latte gag) can be useful and funny on their own.


Sneps (SNow lEoPards) just need to keep cool.

David Barr

CafePress will print on pint glasses, but I don't know what your margin would be for that.


For that, I'd suggest Pirta be drawn taking a swim in the likely contents -- beer.