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The sketches of the month in progress :) Lot of relaxing giant ladies in the middle of a meal ^^ or not so relaxed in a certain case XP



David Dent

Casual Vore is the best Vore! Shows the pred only thinks of you as a part of their down time and not as an experienced adventurer.


Why are the tiny nekoes trying to get nommed? Otherwise, very nice to see though. :3


Look at all these pretty gigantic ladies!


I love the throat shot in the second frame! :3


These are one spicy meatball ey


Notices Maple from Nekopara!!


Seeing Umi makes me extremely happy. Perhaps she got fed up with Neptune always hanging out with Noire??? Better yet, I see a continuation of an older drawing with Giga mermaid. I can say for certain this has to be my favorite monthly drawing update thus far. Keep it coming!

Enigmatic Jester

Haha, is Gigamermaid having a problem swallowing with that choker?


Ahh I love me that continuation of the Shantae one for the logical conclusion :) Top right gives off a nice tsundere vibe as well.


Not only did you draw a long-awaited follow up to the amazing Giga Mermaid drawing, but you also drew GODDAMN UNI! YEEEES. Excellent work! :D Also, huge thanks to whoever requested these two!


Yeah Uni is so much like Noire I’m not sure she knows how to relax.


R.I.P. Shantae XD Et la p'tite neko est trop mimi :3


gotta admit: I have a thing for shantae getting eaten og otherwise captured by the giant mermaid boss ^^


I really should play the Shantae games including Cuphead at some point if only for those giant mermaid bosses :D .


Ohh, I really like all of these, as usual. I find myself curious about what the story is behind that giant catgirl eating the little catgirls is. You know . . . for science. xP I also apparently really need to play the Shantae games, considering they apparently feature giant mermaids!


I'm not entirely sure myself but they sure don't seem to mind XD