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Just a little sketch I drew yesterday :3

 The start of the long digestive trip.. It's up to the viewer to imagine whose stomach is this ^^  

I wanted to depict the stomach a bit more cavernous and rugged than usual. I might refine it more later. Also I'm progressively getting back into my rhythm, there are a lot of stuff coming up in the next days ;) 




I can think of a couple preds who have large cavernous stomachs :p


Cant wait to see the finished version


Sympa, ce dessin. ^^


I for one would love to see more of this from you! More internals only that are really detailed like this.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I really love this. It's some great details you had added and that you show the oesophogus to that extent also helps show just how long it is.


Wow, that is probably one of my favourite vore related pictures you drew in the last couple of weeks. Really like the direction of more detailed intestines you have taken lately. Keep up the good work! Edit: This is just my personal opinion but I would be totally fine if some pictures you draw are just kept in this plain black and white "WIP" state as it already looks pretty good like that.


For a sketch this is actually very lovely. Hopefully it's Subby or Anko.


Woooooow! Inside the esophagus shots are super my jam. It does a lot to help encapsulate the 'oh shit' panic from the prey!


Well, you know me; I'm going to say it's Crisis. :3


Oh, I really like this one! Not just because of the focus on a cute female prey (which I have a not-so-secret weakness for x3), and that it captures that 'on-the-way-down' moment, which is some of my favorite voreness. . . . but I also love how this emphasizes the depth of the stomach and length of the esophagus . . . it really showcases the sheer impossibility of trying to climb back out. Really striking and impressive . . . as well as sexy.


I love having to literally scroll my mouse wheel down to the length of the esophagus down into the stomach. It makes the picture that have so much more depth to it, pun intended! ;D Also, I like how you drew the stomach to be more rigid than you normally do. That's actually how the inside of a stomach normally looks like, realistically, when there isn't any food inside. It would be cool if you drew all the other surrounding organs around the esophagus as well. It would take longer to produce, but it would give more of a sense of scale in comparison to the prey. I can't wait to see the kind of lighting you use for both the surrounding area of the prey and the interior of the stomach. It should be a treat! x3


Thank you :D Yes the scroll down effect was what I was going for, so you "follow" the prey on her way down. And thanks for the suggestion about the other organs, this can clearly adds to the picture ^^


Yeah that moment where they prey's fate is no longer in their hands so to speak, as they are inexorably carried down X3


Thanks ! Yeah the tall effect forcing to scroll down was what I was going for here :D


Glad you like it ! I will definitely make more of those :) Those kind of "on-the-go" drawing are very relaxing to draw. Not much planning, you just go with the flow ^^


Thank you ! I will explore a bit more those I think :)