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Many of you were interested in a continuation of this series, and I figured it would be fun to see how that biology research continued. This should make a very interesting essay indeed.
The rewards are very close! I'll be catching up with some of your messages. You can start sending your "old reward" requests, so I can address them on the 5th!

IN OTHER NEWS: I'll be adding new rewards for the uninterrupted support!! Patrons who keep their pledges through different  "milestones" without interrupting it will get extra stuff!! But I'm getting ahead of myself,  I'll tell you more about that on the 5th ;)




Is that Luna?


Not exactly, it's the continuation of a commissioned piece I did a while back: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68826455 This continuation was no commission though. But feel free to imagine it's her if it works for you ;)


This is really really hot! Almost hope we get a part 3 some time in the future!


OMG. This was a delightful surprise to find when i logged in.


Wow! I always thought the blonde looked like she was interested in a little more than research 😉 I would love to see the blonde join her partner inside for a little more sexy time!

Anthony Adams

This is hot. I love your style and attention to detail, your work always looks like 3d renders. Seriously, i wish I could draw like you. I’ll have to check to see if i have part 1 of this, I’m pretty sure i do.


Hot! That video should give her a good grade for the class. Any Resident Evil ladies planned for this October?


Biology does include the study of anatomy after all...


Love it!


She's been in that snake an awfully long time, hasn't she? XD


Resident Evil and Mass Effect are some of my priority themes in the video game department.


The blonde in knee high schoolgirl socks would make this impossibly awesome. Hey Ninja, is there anymore to be done with that Sansa/Margaery one you did a while ago? That looks amazing. Some lesbianism that turns south when some sort of mythical creature attacks both!?! I ‘m just dreaming out loud.


OH. MY. GOD. Please... Could you make a version without the snake? It would be the hottest 69 ever made.


Fuck Yes! Awesome!!!!


Very nice; this is what convinced me to finally join Ninja's Patreon. Hope this won't be the last Essay chapter :)


You know already how happy it’s made me that you did a continuation of this and so happy that many found the original concept so appealing. I’m grateful for those that did wish to see this continued and support Ninja. Even though I have no influence over the decisions for this particular image and those that may come afterwards, I entirely trust Ninja in whatever is done. I’m sure the two ladies are in agreement also; Amy having her way with Kris. Not sure they’ll be able to submit that detail of the report for the university though. Might make good viewing material for the bedroom instead. :P