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Any new patron please note that the uncensored content (rewards) is not posted in my feed openly but instead I send it through DM on the 5th of each month. You will receive the content of your tier on the 5th following your pledge.


Welcome Pack:
Ninjartist Games:


Exciting news everyone!! :D
So as I've been anticipating, I'm setting 3 milestones to reward uninterrupted support.

Those patrons who keep a pledge of $10 or more for the below specified periods will get:

-4 Months: ALL my works from my first year at Patreon (January 2016 to December 2016)

-8 Months: ALL my works from my second year at Patreon (January 2017 to December 2017)

-1 Year: ALL MY OLD WORKS ever up to that day!!


-New patrons will gain their first month when they get to the first 5th that comes after the moment of their pledge.

-It's not about the number of payments but about the period of time you keep the pledge without quitting. If you keep a $10 pledge for 2 months, then you drop it and resume the next month, you will have to start your count all over again.

-It will be your responsability to let me know through a private message that you have reached a milestone. And you guys should do that between the 1st and the 5th of the month in which you are reaching that specific milestone. I will verify the payment history of that patron and award them the pack of works on the 5th.

-Pledges can be upgraded and downgraded  and this won't affect the count as long as they remain above the $10 base.

I've been thinking for a while now that I should give something more to patrons who stay with me all the way. Hopefully this will help show you my appreciation.


Scott Walters

How do I access my four month rewards? I’m six months in and forgot to look for it sooner.


Hi there! To get access to the previous month's works you must pledge to the tiers: Ninja Warrior to Legend, depending on how far back you want to go.


Sorry to contact you like this but Patreon Messages isn’t working for me. Patreon made an upgrade that made my bank think the August 1 monthly payment was fraudulent so they didn’t process it and Patreon didn’t retry it until about a couple of days ago but you should’ve received it by now. Please sent the August 1 rewards. Thanks.

Billie Stroope

potter stuff. Futa Hermione yay!


Dammit, i just recently had to switch accounts because my first one was corrupted. ffs

Mark D

Is there a way to see someone's own time they been a supporter.


Hi is this still a thing ?

Richard Sharpe

I have been a supporter for a while but not seen any rewards or links to the uncensored photos. How do you make those available? I don't know what DM means.

Thom Ffolkke

Is there any news on the Hogwarts book and how do i update my address


It means direct message. You should get a link in your direct messages each month.


I have been a paying member for at least a year, but I can't remember the name of the bracket. The fee was about 9,99 each month, and I always got the monthly releases, but the pictures on this site were always locked for me. Just uprgraded to Ninja, though, and now I've got proper access, cheers!


I did want to ask, however, if my original payment and attendant registration for the HP art book was properly saved? I did get the confirmation message that I would receive my own copy of the Art Book, when it's ready. But I did want to try to re-confirm that because of the slightly irregular nature of my previous membership bracket.

Jason Bulle

I'd been hoping for an update on that as well. I completely understand that there's a lot of work involved in getting a physical book together and the last 2 years have been anything but normal.

Richard Sharpe

If you mean email, I have checked and have many message from you but no awards or links?


Not email. Ninjartist will directly message you the uncensored content here on Patreon.

Andrew lehmann

When are the books shipping out? I remember I got the highest tier but have not heard more news in a long time. What’s the time frame like like?

Mark D

Where are the Milestone rewards

Jeff Pender

That’s really cool! Thanks for the awesome perk!

Shayde Nightwolf

I'm likely to forget by then. Will you be reminding us when it gets closer to those dates?


So I guess that doesn't concern those who already bought all of your work :(

Frank Leo

I have lost count how long I have supported you ... and since my past pledges don't count to you, that's that. However, there's is no way I can keep and track future pledges ... so I can safely say I will not know even shall I hit the "milestone". Thanks anyways.


Hey frank, this is supposed to be a plus. Not sure why you say that. This rewards didn't exist yesterday. Now there is yet another way to get old works. It's precisely because I value the continuous support that I've come up with them. And you in particular already have all my old rewards so not sure why you complain about keeping track. I'm afraid I can't possibly keep track of 900 changing payment histories. I will add a new milestone for patrons who have all of them too.


I will let you know when February 5th is coming, but this won't apply to all. New patrons will have a different count.


To anyone bummed/annoyed/pissed that past patronage does not count toward the rewards: remember, Ninja did not have to do this at all. Literally nothing has changed between yesterday and today. To have expected a reward based on past patronage, while understandable, is a little silly to complain about not getting one when, had Ninja not made this new system at all, none of us would ever know something was "missing."

Joseph Czarniak

all will be forgiven as long as i get humored and the next stage for the potter girls involves tentacles going all the way through them. a pic of hermione and luna totally submersed in the slime being triple fucked by it would also work. :-P truthfully it'll be nice to get everything old in one bundle.

Frank Leo

I am not negative about it, I am just stating the fact that I know I will lost the track just like I have already lost the track of my current pledges ... and I am NOT telling you to keep the track for me, after all, I can't even keep the track. Still, Thank You anyways for the new addition - just that, I know for sure I will not remember.

Frank Leo

After reading the comment made by "Dashrendar23" below, I need to make clear something ... my comment of "I have lost count how long I have supported you ... and since my past pledges don't count to you, that's that" isn't a pissed rant. What that comment meant is, "thank god you are NOT counting the old pledges because I can't remember how long nor when".


And I'm sure my comment really had nothing to do with yours Was mine brought on by yours in a case of "can't tell the tone of voice via text"? Yes. But given my tone of generality, I was talking about you or your comment specifically at all.


Thanks Dash! Indeed, I understand how it may be frustrating that the counting starts from this point forward, but I think that is still better than not having this new reward system at all. In truth, this past 5th it took me 15 hours to deliver all the rewards (the monthly ones and the old rewards selected by each patron). Each 5th is more or less that time. And that's great, I'm not complaining. I do it gladly because that time is a reflection of having lots of patrons pledging for old works, which is awesome. But you can see how adding now these new rewards will increase my work on the fifths. I didn't "have" to add them, yet I did for you. I hope ppl understand this. I'm constantly thinking in new ways to make this patronage experience better for my patrons. I have a few other ideas that I will probably show you very soon! I think you'll like them ;)


For all those who feel unable to keep track, Ninja messages you every month. Don’t delete your messages from him (why would you?) and you can easily tally up how many months in a row you’ve gotten rewards at $10+


For example it turns out I’ve backed since last September, so I’m at 13 months total of money well spent!


That's actually a great method Perniciousducks! Thanks for your input :) As I mentioned before though, I will be reminding all current patrons on February 5th, and at the following milestones as well. But I ask for patrons to let me know mainly because all new patrons will have different milestone dates and those who interrupt their pledges too. And I don't have (at least for now) an easy way to filter through all 900+ patrons. I have been researching on how to program the CSV sheets of pledges history that Patreon provides in Excel to be able to filter through personalized criteria. But that's not ready yet. Anyway, you guys could even set an alarm for your milestones days on your phones. Just an idea ;)

Rompe Himself

*Shrug* I am not a fan of the vore content hence I don't sub continuously, but I think this is a great incentive for those who sub month after month. Always good to see the artist showing appreciation for the long term customers. Well played Ninjartist.

Anthony Adams

I've had a 10$ sub for about 6 months now i think. (used to be 13) So pretty sure i've cleared the first milestone :)

Steven Quinlan

I think this is a pretty amazing idea myself. It means for the next year I get to enjoy your work and every few months I get a bunch of new and awesome stuff. Ironically, the piece of art that lead me to you is three weeks old and I won't get till October of 2021, but thems the breaks

Davide Franzoso

I'm 10$ tier yet. It's ok or do I need to do something?


Thanks Ninja!


it says I've now been at this lvl for 10 months, and yet, I dont think I have gotten a link to any of your other works

Nicholas Langham

I just signed up for the $20 patreon how do I see the uncensored content?


i just signed for $40 and id like to know that too, please? lol

Thy Doctor

1st of all: from what I gather we get sent the good stuff via dropbox links on the 5th of every month 2ndly you're in for a wild ride bucko ;) it's basically being consumed (eaten) in a sexual way. weird as fudge but damn that hooked me hard a couple of years ago, try it out but you may not walk out the same door you walked into :P

Luci Rurik

So is this supposed to replace the you pay $75 you get all artwork system? I'd so I take extreme issue and want my $75 back.


Hi ninja, I paid for the ninja level on 01/01/2021, but I didn't get the old content today. Could you please check my membership and send them to me?


Hi Gorrath, please remember you need to let me know through DM about you reaching a milestone for me to send them. I'll send you the rewards in a sec, please check your inbox ;)


$75 pledges get access right away to all my previous content. These milestones get you access to all the content after a year of uninterrupted support and a minimum of $120. So that's the benefit of the $75 Tier over this.

Alex Lubasz

So if I pay for the $75 tier do I get all the previous content right away or do I still have to wait for the 5th to get them. I sent DMs but haven’t gotten a response yet just wondering.

Markus Tröszter

Payed the 75dollar tier, got a lot of dropbox links, but only half of the images work (most image Links are locked by dropbox due some violation problems). I asked multiple times Ninjartist if there might be a other solution, but no answer since a month. The 75dollar tier is not worth to pay for imo....


Hi Markus, I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier, please check these posts about that issue: https://www.patreon.com/posts/issues-with-48773276 https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-files-49705038 The DMCA notice that you see is there because the original files are "blocked" but I re-uploaded those files so there is none missing. So you got the full content you were supposed to get from your $75 Tier.

Markus Tröszter

ok, ill checked all dropbox links last week, still like 60% only available, but ill check them again if i can access them now. Thx for you reply finally.

Markus Tröszter

Well, there are still many pictures not accessible due Dropbox DMCA lock... nearly in every dropbox folder.


As I mentioned in my previous reply, and the posts that I linked, the DMCA notice appears in the folders but there are no files missing. I re-uploaded them to the same folders, so the notice is still there but you can see all the content nonetheless.

Markus Tröszter

Ill send you a pm with screenshots, so you see that they cannot be opened or downloaded.


Um, problem for me, my card hates giving out money before I get paid every month so there is usually some problems at the start of each month in getting the payment to go through usually takes me till the 5th of each month to sort it all out though... is this a problem for that?


That shouldn't be a problem since I send them on the 5th, so by that time your payment should show up, right? Did you get the rewards of the month's you've been charged already? If not please DM me and I'll check it out.

John Smith

So I'm confused. Ijust subscribed to the Legend Tier which means I get immediate access to the dropbox links? Have sent a DM but no reply


Does that include the ones which have been removed for community guidelines reasons?

Dylan Derot

I recently became a grand master but haven't gotten any of the stuff I sent a DM but no response


So i joined as grandmaster on the tenth does this mean i wont get the access to the old art till the fifth of next month?


so if some of us paid after the 5th, $75 to get 4 years of content then we have to wait to get charged another $75 next month before you send it to us?

Nathan Bryan

Are there any videos of Ninja working. I'd love to see some of their process on how they make the work. Like are they starting with a model posing and manipulating them or is it all hand painted. What software is used etc...


Hello, artist . I have question . Because I'm a first-time sponsor . I'm currently sponsoring $10 a month now ,if I want see your all pictures , Do I need to add another 65 dollars or 75 dollars ?

Marc Steinman

Hello, I have been a member since January of last year how do I get access to the long term patron rewards?


Same. i did the 75 tier, but don't know how to access the rewards, and need to drop to 10 before the next charge comes in. Sent messages to Ninjartist, but haven't heard back yet.

Dirty Clergy

Same for me, I went ahead and moved to the $10 tier, because you aren’t refunded the $75, or rebilled $10 until next month.


Hi Marc, as stated above in this post you just need to let me know through DM when you hit a milestone so I can check and send you the rewards.


Hey guys! Thanks for your pledges. You just need to wait until the 5th to get your rewards. i'll be sending them to you through DM. @Dirty Clergy you did well to downgrade before the 1st so you are not charged twice. You will get the rewards as long as the $75 payment goes through once.

John Appleseed

Hello, I became a legendary member recently but can’t access any of the actual contents, Ive also messaged you via Patreon about a week ago but haven’t heard since. When will I be receiving full access as per my membership?


Hi John, thanks for joining! I can see you pledged to the "Grand Master" Tier, not the Legendary one. In any case you will receive access to the uncensored material next 5th. Rewards are sent every 5th, as stated in the Tier's description, the welcome message, the pinned post you just commented on, and the very message above yours in this thread in reply to someone who asked the same question as you.

Simeon Raychev

What about all of the previous ones? I paid $75...


Hi Simeon, I've sent the rewards corresponding your tier a moment ago. Pls check your inbox.


We helped Ninja focus more time and effort into bringing us amazing art. Don't be upset, we could have no artist at this skill level at all.

Erwin Chen

:( , i also wonder how to see the raw works in the past , should i pay more?

Walter Simons

They're sent on the 5th of every month to your PMs