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Ok so this took forever, but I'm quite happy with the result. It is probably one of the most complex pics I've done yet. I hope you guys like it too :)
We are getting close to the finale! What will be the final fate of our lovely witches?
Still more surprises to come for this term, stay around !




I have to admit, as long as this series has been, and with the writing that has gone with it... I'm honestly rooting for the girls to win out. But I know it won't happen. Poor girls :(


Oh, Ginny, just put down the wand, dear. Your magic can't help you now.


I can't wait to see them all together and helpless.


This is so beautiful!!!


I know it won't happen. But I wish that they get pulled in and are hooked up inside to be fucked and bred or fake bred and then milked for eternity. Also another suggestion maybe. Have an alternate ending where they win and change the goo spell to just fuck them and not pull them in. But is really like to see them pulled inside to be bred for eternity and for the spawn to spread into the school doing he same to the other girls. The men would just be consumed


Very lovely, hope to see all the ladies be trapped and raped for the rest of the time in the confines of the book, with anyone who opens the pages able to see them fully naked, no modesty for them ever again~


TBH, I'd love to see two endings, as unlikely as that is. As said above, this comic has been going on for so long and the accompanying writing has made me root for the girls to win; but at the same time I also want to see the typical Ninjartist Bad End.


This has been quite possibly my favorite series, it's a shame that it's coming to an end. I'd love to see the final picture being Voldemort closing the book.


Where is that tentacle going?


These four witches aren't getting away! And the octopus is big and big bois have big appetites!




Ah, the old butt tentacle. Gets em every time. Really good work here Ninja!


Lovely work Ninja, finally seeing some Cho action. About a different piece of yours, any chance will we ever see Leia and Oola hanging out together in the Rancor? ;)


Is there a place for the uncensored version?


You get it if youre subbed to the right tier when the month ends


Yeah sorry I read over that. My bad. Still thanks for the response Zach!


Yes. Everything yes, all of my yes.

Joseph Czarniak

i'm really hoping for some in one end, out the other action

Nick Deperto

Love it! Any hints to what’s coming next for this term?


Really nice work with the character layout: all of them have different postures, reactions and locations :) And Cho is the first to get "tentacled", so what else? 8)


I'm glad you liked Judgmentary, but the closing of this book will come with the opening of a new HP series! Btw, I really like your Voldy idea.


Thanks Jim! I was actually hoping for someone to bring that up. I have that last part pending but since nobody asked for it, I'm not sure there is enough interest for it.


"typical Ninjartist bad end" hehehe. Maybe it could be a bad end with an bright side to it?


I really do love this series.


All Hail the Cocktopus!

Jeff Pender

This is epic! What really jumps out at me is one particular expression; while Hermione, Luna, and Cho have expressions of horror (OK, Cho is getting “tentacled”, so it’s understandable), Ginny has an expression of defiance, determination, and confidence. Her wielding her wand like a Claymore is cool too. That being said, I still see her succumbing to the tentacled horror just like the others soon will be. Couldn’t ask for a more spectacular scene, with these four gorgeous girls, completely naked, helpless, and filled with horror (among other things, just ask Cho).

Richard Limon

I hope the girls all get pulled into the book. Not having that happen would take away from how long this series has gone one for and the dialogue sections that fill in some of the spots in the action. Hope the girls get tentacled and the green goo joins the octopus in on the action with the girls staring in horror in the book knowing that they will be there for an eternity.

Dmitri Ivanov

I have loved following this series so much! Absolutely amazing!