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Hello all and thanks for patience.
Had both a pinched nerve in back and somehow sprained wrist both at same time. So basically lay down and stared at ceiling for past day or two til couldnt take it anymore.

So am slowly gettin back to the table but makin sure dont flare it up again. Is amazing what a small pinch can do to you. Take all the strength out of ya.
It ain't fun!

Will be sure to get drawing again soon as I can, so thanks again for patience and all the positive posts! ^^




Im yet to know a pain bigger then a pinched nerve

Lord Chaos

I can understand the pain. Get better soon. I need more kitties.


OOF. I know that feeling... I have degenerated disks and bone spurs. D:


Glad you are on the mend. I think many of us will empathise with you but a pinched nerve and messed up wrist? WOW


Glad you're getting better. Still, please dedicate yourself to your recovery. We can wait. No need to rush anything on our account.


Feel better!


i hope youre feeling better fast! :)