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First off, can't thank you guys for all the positive messages while was down for the count past few weeks.

Long story short:
-muscle wrapped around shoulderblade and side seized up, made standing/sitting pain. wouldn't let go for forever. Lifting hand to draw was just agony. (then came back week later)
So basically was stuck on couch most the time.
-Now that recovered, am on catch up for the art I missed!
-To comic lovers, am streaming this evening a bit while I work on new pages!
-To commissioners, I am back onto your arts! Thanks so much for patience. Honestly was best course of action to let my muscles rest and not make it worse etc.

If want to join the stream this evening, am over at

If not, will have updates here soon!




Glad to see you back! Muscle/Nerve shenanigans are a pain in the ass ^^"


Welcome back Black Kitten! 😻😻🖤🖤


Thanks fir the stream BK. I fell asleep in my chair. I'm old. Sigh.


Are there any differences in what you post between Patreon and SS?


Well, if Patreon starts asking you to edit, or change, let us know so we can switch over right away. Is either one a better platform for you personally?


There is no difference in content between the 2 platforms atm. I leave it to the followers to decide. So until patreon makes some new sweeping changes, the choice is yours! ^^