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Carried too much out of a store today, then while walking to the car, my back handed in its resignation and took its strength with it. It took everything in me to limp to the car and not let me collapse into an embarrassing pile in the parking lot. :'D

So now sitting up and trying to lift arms is ungodly sharp pain stemming from under shoulder blade for some reason. As of now, I just can't sit comfortable in any way and draw without a lot of pain.

So am giving a heads up that next comic page may be delayed. Hopefully after some rest my strength in my arms comes back. :\

Sorry and will update soon.




no problem .it'sok !


Rest up and take care of yourself. We can wait.


Last time something like that happened to me, I was deadlifting, couldn’t walk straight for 3 days. Go have it examined if possible

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Damn. I hope you feel better soon. We can wait for the next page, so don't sweat it.


By no means I wish to alarm or cause unnecessary concern. But a sharp pain like that can go from a simple pulled muscle to a torn muscle/ligament or nerve compression. Please don’t leave that to rest only, go check it up


Oh jeez, please rest up, and if it doesn't get better please get it checked out... back pain is miserable :(


Get better soon! If it's any consolation my brain read; "Bad News" in Professor Farnsworth's voice


Yes, agree with other above: get thee to a physician, and see about getting a referral to a good physical therapist.


Well that sucks. Get well soon man!


After speaking with a doctor about your particular predicament, they said that it’s probably just some muscle strain. Best solutions for that are ibuprofen/Tylenol and rest. Should be gone in a day or two. But if the pain lasts longer than that it’s highly suggested you go see a doc.


Bummer! Please feel better soon BK! We’ll be here waiting when you get back 🖤

Steve Dudley

Get better soon! Take care of yourself. - pain is gods way of saying you just screwed up -


No rush rest get better see u when your back at 💯%👍😁


Been there, done that… and it sucks. Get some R&R in!


Hope you feel better


Just take it easy!! Take it from someone who has broken their back twice, it doesn't take much and you have back issues for life.