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Summary: Zoe accepts a job as a maid from the cold scientist, Garrett Miller, and soon starts to experience unusual changes. Contains: Female: udder, multi-breast, cow-girl, pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing, and more.


“How does this place get so dusty?” Zoe grumbled as she wiped down a banister.

Zoe wasn’t typically one to complain, aside from the absent-minded mumble or grimace every now and then. To be honest, her living situation was pretty damn great. She got to stay in this large, beautiful house, rent-free, the only requirement being to keep the place clean.

The location was perfect. It was close to the university where she studied accounting and was expected to graduate in another year.

Zoe had moved in a few months earlier. It was the home of her best friend, Josephine, as well as Josephine’s father, Garrett. Garrett had agreed to allow Zoe to live there, granted she earned her keep by helping out with the shopping, cooking, and cleaning.

“A maid,” Garrett clarified when he had handed over the paperwork.

As Josephine snickered, Zoe just rolled her eyes.

“They call them cleaners now, daddy,” Josephine insisted.

Zoe didn’t care what title she was given. She hurriedly signed the hiring contract without bothering to read it. She found the paperwork to be excessively formal, but it seemed consistent with Garrett’s bureaucratic personality.

Months passed, and Zoe was pretty content with the situation. Last semester she had barely made it to her classes between the hour-long commute and her chaotic living situation at home with her family. This semester, in contrast, was a breeze for her. From Garrett’s house, Zoe could now get to her classes in only ten minutes. Often, she found herself pausing to reflect on how lucky she was in her new boarding situation. A close friend since freshman year, Josephine was proving to be godsend.

As her headphones chimed pop melodies, Zoe swept the living room, the hallway, then down the stairs to the basement. There was a landing there as well as a heavy metal door. Zoe was surprised to see that the door was ajar that afternoon. Usually it was firmly closed.

Garrett was some high-level scientist who took contracts from the government and other important organizations. Though he often worked at a facility uptown, he also maintained his own personal lab in the basement of his home. He had expressly prohibited Zoe and Josephine from ever going inside of it. While Josephine had simply brushed this off, clearly accustomed to this rule from childhood, Zoe, as a newcomer, could not help her intrigue.

It just sounded so…secretive.

And so, leaning the broom against the wall, Zoe stepped closer to the door.

She had only intended to peek inside through the crack. But once her fingertips gently brushed against the door, it glided open with surprising ease. Zoe got a glimpse of shining metallic surfaces and strange equipment lining the walls that abruptly disappeared in a poof of pink smoke of unknown origin. It filled the air, causing Zoe to cough and stumble back, her skin feeling strangely warm and tingly. She managed to close the lab door before retreating up the stairs.

She didn’t think much of it in the following days. Not until she started experiencing certain changes.


It had been a few weeks and Zoe was still feeling rather strange.

She noticed that her appetite had surged, and her skin continued to experience waves of a hot, prickling sensation. Particularly around her chest and her pubic region.

She was also getting a rash. She had noticed her pubic region getting progressively pink over several days, the skin getting a little rougher and firmer. She also started to register that she wasn’t shaving in that area lately. Not at all in the past two weeks, Zoe had realized. Yet the skin remained completely smooth.

Zoe tolerated her studies, but she found cleaning to be both relaxing as well as an opportunity to clear her mind as she listened to music. She hardly saw the other two occupants of the house anymore. While Garrett was understandably busy with work, Josephine was becoming just like her father. She was always immersed in her studies as well as a new internship she had just gotten. She was on track to graduate early and was even talking about doing a sabbatical in Europe to study some newly discovered fungus species, or something. Josephine was outrageously smart and Zoe knew that the girl would go on to do big things.

Zoe paused in her dish washing, her nose scrunching a bit. She pulled off her rubber gloves, her hands moving up to cup her chest, which had been feeling quite tender over the past week. Her breasts even seemed a little swollen, her B-cup bras feeling unexpectedly taut against them.

The kitchen door opened. Zoe dropped her hands in surprise as Garrett walked in.

“Mr. Miller—didn’t realize you were back from your work trip,” Zoe stammered as she pulled off her headphones.

He nodded in greeting. “I finished the project. Got back in last night.” He went to the island, picking up some of the letters piled there and looking them over. His tall, lean frame was dressed in a button-down and some trousers. “By the way, Zoe…”

“Y-yes?” Zoe responded, suddenly feeling quite nervous.

“Did you happen to enter my lab, by any chance?”

“No,” Zoe responded without hesitation. Face warming, she averted her eyes. It must have been obvious that she was lying.

“Hm,” Garrett just hummed and continued to look over the mail. He was a stern guy, but harmless. Awkwardly, Zoe resumed the dishes.


Things were getting weird. Zoe’s rash now encompassed her entire pubic region and was getting strangely swollen.

It felt rubbery and was so sensitive, she trembled when she felt any movement against it, whether from her clothing or her hands.

Zoe’s appetite had intensified. She found herself snacking continuously on the food and snacks she kept well-stocked in the fridge. Her body continued to feel overheated, and her breasts only seemed to be getting bigger, her bras no longer fitting her, the cups pinching into plump flesh.

She could have written off the other symptoms to stress and weight gain, but the rash didn't really seem like a rash anymore. It had become her own skin. A soft, bloated, pink area of flesh. It looked so weird, almost inhuman.

It didn’t take Zoe long to trace back to the start of her symptoms. It had all started at the door to Garrett’s lab, and that odd smoke she had unwittingly inhaled. It must have been doing something to her…but who knew what.

Despite her nerves, Zoe could not avoid the issue any longer. And so, she confronted the scientist.

Garrett raised an eyebrow, not looking up from the article he was perusing. He was seated behind the desk in his study looking as prim as he might in a professional environment. He took a sip of his coffee, placed it on a cup holder, and finally looked up at Zoe who stood flustered in the doorway.

“Pardon?” Garrett said.

He was so poised and aloof, it made her feel like she was being crazy. But Zoe didn’t back down. “My…my symptoms. The smoke in the lab. I mean, I went in your lab, and I’m sorry, but I think I was exposed to something. I’ve been having some really unusual symptoms ever since.”

Garrett’s expression was unchanged. He did not appear surprised, concerned, or even upset by the revelations. “I see. What symptoms are those?”

Zoe was at a loss for words. She pressed her lips together, her cheeks heating. She wished she had been better prepared for this. Because at that moment, she didn’t think she could say what was happening to her aloud. It was just odd.

After a moment of surveying her, Garrett sighed and returned his attention to the article before him. “I am a doctor. No need to be embarrassed about whatever these symptoms are. Are you sure it’s not just allergies? The second floor does get rather dusty.”

It came off as patronizing, as well as a jab at her cleaning abilities. There wasn’t much oversight, but Zoe certainly did her job. “No, it’s not-”

“So, you went into my lab?” Garrett cut her off, his brows pulling down a little. “That is forbidden, Zoe. The material stored there is highly volatile. Still, everything is locked up as required by industry regulations. I can’t imagine how you could have gotten in or been exposed to anything. I didn’t see any breaches. Are you sure you weren’t confused or…otherwise influenced?

Zoe clenched her fists. Garrett had caught her high on THC gummies a time or two, but he had never been judgmental. Typically, he was indifferent to whatever silly things Zoe and Josephine got up to.

It was unexpected to see the man so dismissive and biting. His attitude had drained Zoe’s determination, leaving self-doubt in its place. “Do you know when Josephine will be back?” Zoe asked quietly. Maybe she could talk to her friend, at least.

“She said this weekend was a possibility. But she was also eyeing a conference upstate. There was a lecture that interested her.”

“Right,” Zoe said, but not feeling it. Saying nothing more, she turned and left.

She would have to think further on this matter when she was more composed. Because at that moment, Garrett Miller was being infuriating and Zoe didn’t want to lose her temper.


In another two weeks, Zoe found her nights occupied by bizarre dreams.

She couldn’t remember what they were, just that they were strange: hot, wet, and squirmy. She would fidget in her sheets, nightgown damp with sweat, and hands cupping the heated swell of the odd rash, which wasn’t really a rash anymore, but more of a…growth? A gain? It didn’t make sense.

Panting quietly, Zoe sat up in her bed. Thirstily, she chugged the bottle of water set on her night table. Then she rubbed her thighs, because her pubic region was tingling and aching. She knew she had been touching it again in her sleep.

Zoe stood with a grimace, the tightness of her panties proving truly uncomfortable. She had noticed all her underwear and pants fitting her more snugly as time went on, but had mostly left it ignored, instead distracting herself with school work and, of course, cleaning.

Now, though, Zoe carefully made her way to the mirror. She examined herself with a pained expression.

The swelling and pinkness on her pubic region seemed like it was steadily becoming another part of her body, and it was starting to protrude, not following the lines of her frame, instead sticking out soft and plump. It just looked odd.

Zoe turned to her side, her eyebrows furrowing as she studied her profile. She pushed her panties down, freeing the fleshy pink growth from confinement. Hesitantly, carefully, she brushed her fingertips over it. She hissed at the sensitivity, a burst of sensation that seeming to reverberate to her belly. She pulled her hand away, instead gripping her dresser. She breathed through clenched teeth as she looked at herself.

The plump, pink mass seemed to be progressively growing, but also changing in other ways. The skin was protruding in places with thick visible bumps. Zoe counted four of them, divided evenly across it.

This was getting insane. Her clothes were growing tighter, and this thing was only becoming more girthy with time. She might not have been a doctor or scientist herself, but she knew that her symptoms were extremely concerning.

Yet she hadn’t sought medical attention. Part of her was admittedly embarrassed and hoping the problems would just disappear on their own.

Another part of her was just fatigued, and hungry. So very hungry. She was eating so much these days, constantly stuffing food down as her hand carefully stroked the pink mass, only in the moments that she could tolerate it.

Her breasts were full and hot, and were only getting hotter. Her nipples ached at times, and all her bras had stopped fitting. She had started to go without them, which didn’t seem advisable, between the shocks of sensation she got when her nipples rubbed into her shirts, and the general appearance of them, protruding out. Without the barrier of a bra, her nipples stuck out blatantly. It was only then that Zoe realized how swollen they were and how distended they had gotten.

Scowling, Zoe pulled off her nightdress and got changed for the day. It was time to have another talk with Garrett.

He wasn’t in the kitchen. Zoe grabbed three large muffins from a basket on the table as she headed to the living room while munching. Garrett wasn’t here either. Zoe decided to try his study.

As she was headed for the hallway, she passed by an open photo album on the coffee table. She slowed her stride to glance over the pictures. She had seen many of these photos before around the large house. They covered the walls of some of the bedrooms that now sat unoccupied upstairs. These were pictures of Josephine’s younger siblings.

The children all looked so similar in appearance and age, oddly. They were all young, and cute, and chubby. Apparently, they had all been sent off to boarding school, just as Josephine had been as a child. Zoe found it difficult to distinguish the children in the photos from each other, or even determine how many there were. It seemed like a lot of kids for a guy with no wife. Zoe had never really pressed Josephine for personal information, and Josephine never spoke about her mother, or her siblings, or much about her life in general. Zoe had always accepted Josephine’s reticence and social awkwardness. They usually just talked about Zoe’s life instead.

Sighing, Zoe continued toward the study. She took another bite out of her impromptu breakfast.

Next Chapter 



Will there be a continuation to this series? I see it gets prompted on votes but am wondering if your voting dictates part of the process?


Yes this is an ongoing series. The voting determines which stories are prioritized, but all of the stories included in the poll are ongoing.