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This is a story entry for the Writing Contest.
The 10 participating writers will remain anonymous until 20 November.
For more information on the contest timeline, visit this post.

Related Work & Context: Sequel to Slugs - Female Version Series.


"Hey all you groovy ghouls out there." The Raven haired girl spoke into the microphone with black glossy lips curled into a grin. As she continued her intro. "This is Gwendolyn with another episode of the Spooky Spelunking podcast, this week I'll be diving into Slug house. The story goes, a woman went home with a one night stand only to wake up covered in what appeared to be slugs. They forced their way into her body and made a home in her stomach, but even more disturbing than that is, the girl she hooked up with had one giant slug in her belly. So who was the girl, and was she human? If so, how did she get a parasite of that size?" Gwen asked as she took a deep breath, the story had been circulating around the internet for a couple months now, and she had been meaning to cover it.

"Well, tonight we'll get to the bottom of it, because I've discovered that this story might be real and it's not just a silly urban legend. If you want to follow along with me on this adventure, I've put a link in the description and also a link to my Patreon page." Gwen grinned as she looked down at the note cards, she had spent the last week collecting data for this episode, and she couldn't wait to start.

"I've managed to track down what I think could be the house where this incident happened, and I'll be checking it out later today." Gwen explained, "It's In my city not too far, and I'll be heading over soon to explore.

Gwen took a breath as she glanced down at her notes, it was almost time to go. Taylor hadn't shown yet, and it was getting late. She was starting to wonder if the other girl was going to bail, and she didn't want to miss her window to get good photo lighting. So she grabbed her bag and went without her, she figured she could text her later.

Gwen didn't own a car, but the house was a short train ride away, so she headed over there. Gwen's exploring outfit was pretty standard, black jean shorts, a tank top, her camera bag strapped around her neck, and her boots. Her long ebony hair pulled back into a braid and a baseball cap pulled low.

She took the train to the station closest to the house and got off. Gwen pulled up the GPS on her phone and started the short walk to the house. It wasn't until she arrived at the rundown property, glancing at the fence around the perimeter. There were plenty of signs warning against trespassing, but that wasn't going to stop her. Gwen pushed a small gap open in the chain-link fence, her petite frame able to fit through easily. She had gotten herself into this hobby by accident, a friend dragged her out to a haunted house a couple years ago. After that night, she became addicted. She didn't believe in ghosts or demons, or mutant slugs, but she enjoyed the thrill of being in dangerous places, and exploring places most people were too scared to.

"Okay, so we're here," Gwen whispered, speaking into her audio recorder as she approached the run down two story house. There was a light layer of dust on the windows, and the wood siding was falling apart. She took a few pictures, then walked up the stairs, she noticed movement in the window, and her heart nearly stopped. It was just a white cat, she realized, shaking her head. But it was the fattest cat she had ever seen. The animal was easily fifty pounds, and he stared at her through the glass. She tried the front door, and much to her surprise, it opened with ease.

Inside was a flipped medical gurney, some dusty furniture, and scattered medical supplies. She started to document everything, taking photos as she walked around. It was dark inside, and she could barely see, but there was enough sunlight shining through the windows to help. As she was walking around the first floor, something caught her eye. She saw a large lump in the room beyond the doorway, she couldn't tell what it was exactly. She made her way forward, side stepping a damaged part of the floor as she went. The closer she got, the clearer it became.

"What the hell," Gwen whispered to herself as she creaked open the door, inside was a lab of sorts, there was a desk, a chalkboard, and some sort of containment unit. "What was happening here?" Gwen spoke as she looked about. She turned back to the lump, and gasped. It was a cat, it's body contorted and twisted, the skin had been stretched and torn. It looked like the animal had exploded, it's insides splattered on the ground.

Something large and wet fell onto her hand, she jumped back, dropping her camera. She heard wood crack beneath her and felt her leg go through the floor. She screamed as she fell backwards, her body slamming down hard onto the ground. She groaned, her vision blurring for a moment. When she regained focus, her eyes widened as she saw what had fallen on her, a giant wiggling slug.

"Ew! Get off!" She screamed, using her hands to pry it off, it's slimy body stuck to her. She shook it around but it remained attached. Then, the worst possible thing happened, she felt more squirming from the other side of her, then they started to come out. Dozens of smaller slugs, all pouring out from the hole she had made in the floor, she had been standing on some sort of nest.

"Shit," Gwen gasped as the small slugs started to climb up her body, she felt their slime coating her. They were cold and sticky, their little golf ball sized bodies squirming all over her. She felt their weight on her as more and more started to crawl onto her.

"Get off!" Gwen screamed, trying to shake them off, but there were too many. One stuffed itself into her mouth, the slime coating her tongue. It's taste was foul, and she wanted to throw up. She felt her cheeks puff out and her throat clench trying to spit it out. She felt a second one crawling down her throat, she started to gag, the saliva mixing with the slime, as it coated the walls of her throat. She started to choke, tears streaming down her face as the creatures invaded her mouth.

More slugs forced their way into her shorts, slipping under her panties and invading her. She felt them stuff her opening, and wiggle into her asshole. She could feel them landing in her stomach, stretching out the walls of her gut. Her clothes tightened as the slugs started to fill her, she could feel their weight in her. She tried to cry out, but her mouth was stuffed. She couldn't believe it, the story was true and her body was being taken over by gross slimy parasites, she had no idea what they were going to do to her. She felt her body bulging out, the creatures were making her round, and full.

Then the slugs started to push at her from the inside, her stomach was swelling up like a balloon. She watched in horror as her belly began to grow larger, stretching out her shirt. Her belly wiggled and shifted as the slugs pushed their way into her, forcing her gut to grow and expand. Even her ass and breasts started to plump up. She was getting huge and heavy. Gwen began to crawl, hoping that she could find a way out of the house. The slugs were still coming, more and more stuffing her. She felt the little critters squirming in her belly, she felt her stomach growl, aching with hunger.

Gwen finally reached the stairs, and saw the door, her body was already feeling the strain. She felt bloated and full, like a tick ready to burst. She tried to make her way up the stairs, but her body was heavy. The weight of the slugs in her was slowing her down. Her stomach was huge, her body felt hot, and sweat was beading on her forehead. The slugs were filling her more and more, she could feel their movements as they slid their way around.

Gwen's hand wrapped around the railing, and she started to pull herself up the stairs, her legs felt like jelly, and her head was pounding. She took another step, the slugs in her shifting and wiggling around. Her belly was round and heavy, the weight was pulling her forward, causing her to lose her balance. She started to fall, her arms grabbing onto the rail, her belly pressed against the wall as she caught herself.

She heard a loud pop, her shorts tore and her belly spilled out. She whined, looking down. She could pass for six months pregnant and they were still crawling in her, and there was nothing she could do to stop them. She started to climb again, her belly bouncing. Her ass was stretching her jeans, her small breasts had grown too granting her another way to feel unusual wobbling and shaking.

Gwen finally reached the landing and made her way towards the door. She opened it slowly, and stepped outside. She could feel the warm summer air against her skin, and the sun was setting. She was relieved, but she wasn't sure what she was going to do. Her stomach growled, the slugs were hungry.



Welp I thought for sure Experiment 17 was gonna be my favorite. But bursting (or near bursting) was what first pulled me into these kinds of stories. I’d love to see this continued :o


Nice entry for the Halloween season for sure! It does beg the question of what was going on in that lab...