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This is a story entry for the Writing Contest.
The 10 participating writers will remain anonymous until 20 November.
For more information on the contest timeline, visit this post.

Related Work & Context: Delayed Spin-Off.


Long fingernails tapped across the keyboard in a quick staccato as Hope stared at the screen. After a moment of consideration, she pushed on her desk, rolling back her chair.

The sleek black website was inviting, tempting. Each thumbnail beneath the bright orange logo offered a variety of indulgences, from the moderately acceptable to the downright obscene. It was a treasure trove for bold internet adventurers, those who combed through tangles of lewd imagery and suggestive videos to find just the right thing to get their rocks off.

And it was where Hope spent most of her time these days, both on and off camera.

She sighed, working her tongue around the lollipop that was resting lopsidedly in her mouth. Her numbers for this month were awful. Her viewership had been plummeting for some time now, but this was the first time that she hadn't even managed to break triple digits on a livestream. Views were low, and donations were scarce. She just couldn't compete with the sheer amount of free content that was being posted these days.

After a pause, she eased the cursor over to the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Top 100 Clips.

Hope opened the first video, and was greeted with the sight of a woman so obscenely pregnant that it was a miracle she hadn't burst open yet. Her belly was a turgid ball of movement, each vein clearly visible through her overtaxed skin. Every breath looked like it left her exhausted, as if the very act of sucking in air was adding too much fullness to a body that was already at maximum capacity.

The bloated whale of a woman gasped and heaved before finally speaking, her voice strained.

"Hey, everyone! It's PennyPreg again. I just wanted to give you all a little taste of this delicious pregnant belly."

PennyPreg offered an uneasy smile, a glimpse of pixelated white teeth. Hope could hear her grunting as she slowly turned her swollen abdomen, planting both hands on the small of her back and jutting out her belly as far as she could. It wasn't far. She was already stretched out beyond belief.

"As you all know, I'm a little b-bit overdue. The babies aren't quite ready to come out yet."

She rubbed a gentle hand along her gut, as though her touch could do anything to alleviate the obvious tightness. The frilly pink negligee she'd crammed herself into looked painfully tight against her pregnancy-plumpened form.

"I know how much you all love to see me like this, though! Especially in these tight, skimpy little outfits. Don't forget, I have a wishlist of maternity lingerie over on–"

Hope froze PennyPreg with a press of the spacebar. Even as a still image, her pained expression spoke volumes about just how exhausted her body was. How far she'd pushed herself. How unbelievably fucking full she was.

Hope squinted at the numbers below the video. Ten million likes, with the counter still rapidly ticking upwards. This had been the last thing that was uploaded to PennyPreg's channel, a whole three months ago now. Since the starlet's disappearance, all of her videos had been raking in attention. The comment sections were populated by lustful praises, questions, and occasionally, concerns. Surely she wasn't still pregnant, after all this time? Had she actually managed to pop? Had she even been able to birth those massive babies?

Hope didn't know, and didn't care. Penny had left a gap, a void that needed to be filled. And she knew just the person for the job.

She grinned and bit down hard, the lollipop splitting apart in her mouth with a loud crunch.

It was time to get to work.


Getting the fertility meds wasn't nearly as difficult as she'd thought it would be. All it took was a generous "donation" to the right doctor, and she'd left the pharmacy with a handful of different pills that were designed to do exactly one thing. And that was to get her as obscenely knocked up as possible.

She hoped it would be enough to surpass Penny. Triplets was admirable, but Hope was sure she could handle at least quadruplets. Maybe one more, if she really wanted to push herself. She twirled a strand of blue hair around her finger, the opposite thumb flying across her phone's screen.

Just got the preg pills! Mama's ovaries are going to be working overtime here soon. Anyone want to give them a little help? ;)

Barely five seconds after she made the post, her phone chirped. Already, someone had left a comment. She tried to curb her excitement. This was the fastest anyone had ever replied.

What you have isn't going to be enough. It'll get you twins, maybe. If you want the REAL stuff, I can send it to you.

Hope stared at the reply in stunned silence. It was an absolutely terrible idea to take medication from a random stranger on the Internet. Who knew what he would send her?

The hand holding the phone trembled as she looked up at her threadbare apartment, with its peeling wallpaper and scuffed wooden floors. She opened up her direct messages, and started to type.

Hey!!! You said you have better fertility drugs, right? I'm interested. Give me everything you've got.

Once again, the reply was nearly instantaneous.

Mailing address?

She gave him her PO box, her teeth worrying at her lower lip. There were so many different ways this could go wrong. But she couldn't deny that the whole thing excited her. She was going to be the next PennyPreg. No, BIGGER than PennyPreg. In more ways than one. She was going to get huge and be lavished with compliments, gifts, and of course, a fat paycheck. This was her chance to finally break out of this rut she'd be entrenched in, and make her camming into an actual career.

She sent one final message, a thumbs-up followed by a heart. She couldn't do much beyond that to express her gratitude. The account was clearly meant to be anonymous, set with the default profile picture and a random username.

"Well then, MakeYou97." She grinned. "Thanks to your generosity, I may just pull this off."

The package arrived the next day, an unassuming box wrapped in bland brown paper. The return address was smeared to the point of being illegible, much to Hope's frustration.

She wasn't patient enough to wait. She ripped open the package right there in the post office, digging through pink and blue tissue paper until she retrieved a small amber vial, slapped with a handwritten label.

"Pregocil? I've never heard of this before." Hope squinted at the bottle, giving it a shake. Loose tablets rattled inside. "He didn't even tell me how many to take." She cracked open the cap and peered down into the vial. Five pink pills rested at the bottom, waiting patiently for her. One for each baby? That would give her quints.

She had to do this. It was now or never.

Hope threw her head back, gulping down the tablets in one go. They felt dry and sticky in her throat, and even after she swallowed, there was still a lingering, sickly sweet aftertaste.

She wrinkled her nose, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. It was done.

She straightened herself and tugged on her jacket, letting out a triumphant huff. She slammed the remains of the dissected package into the garbage before shoving her way out the door. The tricky part was over. Now, she could have a little fun.

The next month was nothing but hookups and one night stands. Hope made an account on a popular dating app just for the occasion, and to her delight, it seemed to be working wonderfully. She managed to snag a different guy every night, sometimes several a day. Every last part of her body was left sore and aching, used to the point of exhaustion. It was almost a relief when she spotted those two bold pink lines standing out against the white background of the pregnancy test.

She immediately whipped out her phone to share the news.

Finally PREGNANT! Time to see just how big I can get!!!

She snapped a picture of the test, and then lifted her shirt to get a picture of her belly as well. Maybe it was her imagination, but her flat abdomen was looking a bit…softer. Rounder, even. It was much too soon to be the pregnancy. She was just bloated. That's all it was.

Hope shelved her worried thoughts, forcing a smile. She had to get ready to livestream.

Every content creator knew that the key to success was hype. People loved the gradual buildup to something huge, especially with regular updates and teasers. Hope's line of work wasn't any different. By the time she turned on her camera she had already set up a whiteboard behind her.

DONATION GOALS was written at the very top, with a hefty list below. To the side, she had MONTHS and NUMBER OF BABIES. After a moment of consideration, she scrawled a one beneath the first category, and several question marks below the second.

She turned on her camera, eyeing herself on the monitor and adjusting a few stray strands of hair. Then, with the press of a button, she was live.

"Hi, everyone! It's so great to see you all again!" Hope trilled, her voice oozing with a near-lethal level of sweetness. "As I'm sure most of you saw, I have some SUPER exciting news! I'm pregnant!"

She gestured to the whiteboard with a flourish. "I have a TON of fun lined up, so get those donations rolling! I know you all love my cute sweater, but I think it'd look much better on the floor." She snatched a lollipop from her desk, slowly unwrapping the candy before popping it into her mouth. She made sure to give everyone a good view as she ever so slowly sucked on the treat, giving it plenty of attention with her tongue and lips.

Her screen lit up with notifications. Five dollars. Ten. Twenty.

Hope tried to suppress a smirk. Maybe this would be easier than she'd thought.

Six hours and a few thousand dollars later, she was ready for a break. She felt awfully hot, and the glare from her ring light was becoming unbearable. After giving her viewers a drawn-out and saccharine goodbye, she shut off her camera and trudged over to the bed, flopping down onto the blankets. Her back felt stiff, and even now it was twinging with pain. She chalked it up to her poor posture. She really had to get a better chair.

Hope rolled onto her side, poring over the results of her stream. In just one day, she had managed to earn enough to cover her bills for the month. That should have been enough to satisfy her. Yet, she still felt somewhat disappointed. Her numbers were great, but she knew she could do better. She would haveto do better if she wanted to climb to the top.

Her phone dinged. A message. She sat up as she realized that MakeYou97 had reached out to her again.

Not bad. Your content could use some work, though.

She felt a pang of annoyance, and typed up half of an angry retort before deleting it and trying again.

What do you think I should be doing???

She stared at the three bouncing dots. Was he actually trying to help, or was he just looking to ridicule her?

You're trying to draw attention to your pregnancy, right? You're barely showing. You need to change that.

Hope snorted.

I'm only a MONTH pregnant!

This was how it worked. Right now, she had to rely on the promise of more–the guarantee that she was going to round out, and swell into the fertility goddess that she'd promised the world. She was offering a glimpse of the future, just a little taste to whet the appetite.

Then eat. You should be, anyway. You want those babies big and strong, don't you?

Another notification popped up. She'd just received an anonymous donation. As she pulled up her account, she nearly choked.

Fifty-thousand dollars.

The attached message was brief, but clear.

Fatten up. I expect this to be used for food, and for that food to go into your gut.

What choice did she have?

With a sigh, she scrolled through her contacts until she found the number for the local pizza place. They picked up on the third ring.

"Hi. I'd like to order ten large pepperoni pizzas."


Two months later, and it was undeniable that Hope was pregnant.

Her belly stuck out a good ten inches, and her navel seemed to be growing shallower by the day. She'd never heard of someone being so large so early on in their pregnancy, but then again, she'd also never heard of a pregnant woman stuffing so much into her face day after day. It was impossible to tell whether her newfound growth was baby, food, or both.

"I can't eat anymore. I'm full." Hope whined, collapsing against the back of her chair. The viewers loved it when she did that. They liked the idea of pushing her to her max, and then further still. Chat was flooded with messages of encouragement, telling her how sexy she looked. How much more sexy she'd look, if only she ate just a little bit more. If she got just a touch bigger.

"Okaaaaay. ONE more slice of cake. But then I'm done! I mean it this time!"

She stabbed her fork into the rich piece of coconut cake, bringing a dainty mouthful up to her lips. She was going to take her time with this. God, she loved teasing them.

"You know, soon, I'll be able to use this belly as a table." Hope giggled. "Imagine how many plates I'll have stacked up on my tummy. And you'll all get to watch as I stuff myself even fuller."

Her words were playful, but she was actually reaching her limit. She could feel an intense tightness forming in her lower belly, a sensation that only got more uncomfortable with each bite she took. She just had to make it through the rest of the slice, and then she could stop.

All this binging had started to take its toll on her body. Her belly was the most obvious casualty, but her thighs and hips were starting to bulge out more, too. Her cheeks felt bigger as well. She was already starting to get a hint of a double chin.

She'd weighed herself exactly once since this had all started, and the number shocked her enough that she vowed to never set foot on a scale again. It was easier to avoid confronting the devastation all this was wreaking on her once-lithe figure. She barely fit into the cheap, skimpy nurse costume she was wearing.

Hope forced down the final bite of cake, wincing as it disappeared into her overly-packed gut. For good measure, she wiped at her lips with her fingers before popping those into her mouth and licking them clean.

"All finished!" She stifled a burp. "As you can see, I'm just about ready to pop right out of this outfit. So I think it's time to stop here. Mommy is tired, and she could use a nap."

A cluster of complaints popped up, but Hope was in no mood to entertain them. She stretched, giving the viewers one good, final look at her body before getting ready to end her stream.

Her bloated stomach knotted as she heard the donation sound ring out.

Ten thousand to finish the rest of the cake.

She uneasily eyed the dessert. She'd demolished the top tier of the towering cake, but the lower, larger layers were still intact.

"I can't." Her voice was barely a whisper.

Another donation.

Twenty thousand. I want to see you pop the seams on that dress.

It was too big of an offer for her to refuse. She could handle a little discomfort and fullness.

With renewed vigor she stabbed her fork back into the cake, shoveling chunks into her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to focus on forcing the dessert down as fast as possible. The sooner it was inside her, the sooner it would be over with.

Hope could feel flecks of coconut and small crumbs falling into her exposed cleavage as she ate, ruining her carefully put-together look. Her manners were a thing of the past. As her tummy swelled, the only thing she could think of was how badly it was aching. She quickly realized that the fork wasn't going to be enough. Tossing the utensil aside, she shoved her hands into the cake, bringing up goopy fistfuls to her mouth. She moaned and grunted in between gulps, too full to even form words. She was too full to even think.

She managed to catch glimpse of her chat going wild at the spectacle.

Is she seriously going to eat that whole thing?

What a pig! Look at how big she's getting!

She's still small. She has more room.

Everything else was a blur of buttery frosting and thick sponge cake. The fabric around her middle was squeezing the bulging, throbbing orb that was her belly, flattening it and forcing her sides outwards. She could feel her belly button pulsing with each heaving breath, desperate to escape from the dress that had rapidly become a torture device.

At some point she dropped onto all fours, shoving her face directly into the cake instead. Her stomach growled and burbled, clearly unhappy with its heavy abuse. She froze at the sound of something starting to rip, and for a moment she was sure that she was splitting open. She squealed as her tummy spilled out of the torn outfit, slapping against the floor as the entirety of her bulk was freed.

After the brief scare, she continued to eat. That was all she could do.

She wasn't sure how long she was there for. An hour? Two hours? After an excruciatingly long time, finally, the platter was empty, and Hope had the entirety of a three-tier cake in her belly.

Her breath came out in quick, short gasps as she rested her hands on either side of the swell, resting her fingertips lightly on the drum-tight surface. She looked, and felt, like she had swallowed the world's largest bowling ball. Every last inch of her insides was being taken up by her gluttonous meal. Even her navel had been shoved outward, a red and bruised-looking nub that was poking out about two inches from the angry orb of her belly.

It was a while before she could even speak, and when she did, each word was punctuated by groans from her stomach.

"...t-thanks for watching, everyone."


By the time her sixth month rolled around, Hope's belly looked severely overdue.

When she was livestreaming, she was eating. And when she was eating, she was growing. When the doctor had seen the size of her baby bump, he'd dropped his clipboard out of shock. He almost seemed afraid to touch it, as though if he poked her too hard she'd just burst open. He'd called over a nurse to do an ultrasound right away, eyeing her belly all the while.

The gel felt icily cold, and Hope shivered as it was slathered over her middle. "It's quints. That's why I'm so big."

"We'll see." The nurse regarded her dubiously, pressing the wand into her tummy.

Both the doctor and the nurse stared at the screen, eyes widening as they studied the grainy image.

"Well, you were a bit off." The nurse cleared her throat. "You're not having five."

Hope heaved a sigh of relief. "Five was too many, anyway. I feel much better about three or four."

The nurse shook her head. "No, you whymisunderstood. You're not having five babies. You're having eight."

Hope didn't fully process what she just heard for a solid minute. Then, the realization hit like a ton of bricks.

"I can't have EIGHT!" The streamer heard a shrill, screeching noise, and to her horror she realized that it was her own voice. "Look at how enormous I am! How tight my skin is! I'm going to EXPLODE!"

"Ma'am, please. Keep your voice down. You'll scare the other patients–"

"FUCK your other patients! This is serious!" Hope tugged down her shirt. She grunted as she wiggled her hips, trying to scoot off the examination table. She was successful on her third attempt, and her knees nearly gave out under her weight as her feet hit the floor. She waddled over to the door, throwing it open with as much force as she could muster.

Everyone in the hallways scrambled to get out of the way of the pregnant behemoth lumbering toward them. Hope imagined that this was how the giant monsters in horror movies felt, each step sending people fleeing. She felt monstrous, more belly than person.

She was exhausted by the time she made it outside, and she made a beeline for the first bench she saw. She collapsed, and as her belly squashed against her laps several buttons on her shirt gave out, exposing her flesh to the cold open air.

Her head was swimming. How had this happened? It was too much. She wouldn't be able to survive this.

She looked down at her phone.

MakeYou97. This was his fault.

Her hands shook as she jabbed her fingers at the screen.

I didn't agree to this. I'm pregnant with octuplets.

The three familiar dots appeared, and a cheerful ding left her with a pit of dread in her gut.

Only octuplets? That's a shame. I was expecting at least ten, with what I gave you.

Anger flared up across the entirety of her chest, and she filled the chat box with every swear word and curse in her vocabulary, making sure that MakeYou97 knew exactly how she felt. When she went to hit send, she got an error.

This account has been deactivated, and can no longer receive messages.

Hope sat in stunned silence, with nothing but the company of her eight unborn children.

She was stuck. All she had were her livestreams. She was too pregnant to do anything else.

She only had one option. And that was to continue down the path she'd started months ago.

Hope ran her hands along the apex of her tummy, feeling the curve as everything inside her pushed out against her poor skin.

She had to get bigger.


"L-Looks like we hit our next goal, chat."

Hope was lounging across the bed. She didn't fit in her chair anymore. How could she? She was supposed to give birth two weeks ago. Yet, here she sat, overdue and overfed.

Everything about her was massive. Her tits were practically pushed up into her face with how huge they'd grown. They were constantly leaking, and she'd given up on trying to clean up after herself. Like everything else, they were sore, swollen, and full.

Her belly was so bloated that she could have fit her pre-pregnancy self inside with plenty of room to spare. What had formerly been her navel was now a grotesquely bulbous growth, sticking out like a fleshy grapefruit at the most strained point of her poor, overfilled tummy.

She no longer felt like a human. She was just a womb, existing only to lie there and feed her babies. It really was a vicious cycle. The more she ate, the more the babies grew. And the more she grew, the hungrier she got. The viewers were all too eager to enable this degeneracy. Her camera was on nearly all the time these days, and she was being constantly showered with money and gifts. Under normal circumstances, she would have loved this. That was the kind of life she'd always craved. She was adored by thousands of fans, each one fueled by a downright rabid lust.

It was what she wanted. But she was so, so pregnant. And so, so fat.

Hope smiled weakly, too tired to plaster on her usual bright demeanor.

"Thanks for the donations, everyone."


A few hundred miles away, Brad grinned, leaning back in his office chair and kicking his feet up on the desk. It had been fun playing with a new toy. Sure, he'd started all this, but she had been the one to escalate it. It was amazing what people would do for money.

He watched with faint amusement as the whale struggled to keep up with the stream. Hopefull678 had more viewers than she knew what to do with. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who enjoyed the show the overly pregnant woman was putting on.

He leaned forward, and typed one final message that was quickly lost in the flood of chatter.

MakeYou97: Congrats. You always wanted to be bigger than Penny, right? Well, now you definitely are.



Really good story, only could have been better if there was more focus on her growth and it was more drawn out, but otherwise great!


I'm impressed by how complete a story was told here within the word count constraints. Very nice work! And fun to see Brad bloating up a new toy.