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Summary: A young man in college with a male pregnancy fetish pumps himself full of fertility medicine. He then purposefully gets pregnant by his boyfriend. As his belly grows, so does his discomfort, regret, and horror in realization that pregnancy is not all that he thought it would be. Conversely, his boyfriend's interest and fascination in male pregnancy grow, and he begins to first secretly, then blatantly attempt to do whatever he can do to make the lad's pregnant belly as big as possible. Idea submitted by NLH

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It was an hour before closing at Clink, and the coffee shop was quiet. Andrew sometimes liked to show up early to pick Elliott up, because he could sit at the bar and chatter with Elliott while watching him work. The other barista had already left, and no one else was around except for another college student, sitting in the back corner, her face hidden behind her laptop.

Andrew sipped on the free latte Elliott had whipped him up. Another benefit of dating the barista. Andrew knew that he probably shouldn’t be drinking caffeine this late at night, but he also knew that he wanted to put in another few hours of studying once he got home. His Bio test tomorrow morning was sure to be brutal.

It had been another couple weeks, and Elliott was continuing to change. Those changes were presently hidden beneath the baggy sweatshirt Elliott had on, as well as the black apron he was wearing over that. He was presently wiping down the counters as he muttered something about wanting to get out of there already.

“You look tired,” Andrew observed with sympathy.

Elliott flashed him a bitter smile. “Just juggling college, a part time job, and—oh yeah—a pregnancy.”

“Nothing you didn’t sign up for,” Andrew reminded him.

Elliott gave him a look as though to say, fair point.

The door jingled to signal the arrival of a customer. Elliott immediately appeared irritated, but as he looked that way, his eyes went wide.

Andrew followed Elliot’s gaze to a tall, slim man wearing a peacoat. He was handsome and androgynous, and he looked like he could be part of a boy band. His hair was meticulously styled, every strand falling perfectly around his narrow face. He was just so attractive. Objectively. Andrew found himself staring as well.

The guy approached the bar, offering a perfectly white smile. “Can I get an–”

“You’re Gavin.” Elliott blurted. “Gavin Ross – the model!”

“Oh, yes,” said Gavin, his expression now becoming a little less synthetic. “Not a lot of people tend to recognize me. My brands can be a bit niche.”

“Are you kidding – I’m a huge fan!” said Elliot. “That fall spread you did for Z Magazine – it was fabulous!”

“Well, thank you,” said Gavin. “I appreciate the support.”

“But where’s…?” Now Elliott was looking a bit disturbed as his eyes trailed over Gavin’s perfectly fitted clothes. “Your…your baby?”

Gavin barked out a laugh that made Andrew jump. Then Gavin just kept laughing as Andrew and Elliott stared at him in silent horror.

It took the model a moment to gather his composure. “S-sorry,” he stammered. “Sorry, it’s just funny. You see, it’s one of those prosthetic pregnancy bumps. I was never actually pregnant. None of the models are.”

Elliott stood frozen. Andrew could see something dying in his eyes.

Gavin wiped at his perfect cheekbones. “Sorry,” he said again. “I’m not making fun of you or anything. It’s just – well, no one’s ever thought that. Anyway, can I have an Americano, hold the sugar?”

And so, robotically, Elliott made Gavin’s coffee order, his face completely blank.

After Elliott handed the beverage over, Gavin paid with an awkward chuckle. “Thanks so much. Can I – would you like a picture, or something? It’s always nice to meet a fan.”

When Elliott did nothing but stare at Gavin in silence, Andrew decided it was time to cut in. “Thanks so much – we’re fine. I think Elliot’s just a little starstruck. And tired. It was great meeting you, Gav.”

“Gavin,” the model corrected, his shining, full-teeth smile retaking its spot on his perfect face. “Have a good night.”

“You too,” said Andrew, and he watched Gavin leave.

Slowly, Andrew turned back to Elliott, who was now gripping the counter and starting to hyperventilate. Elliot had just found out that the pregnant celebrities he had obsessed over and honestly modeledhimself after were a farce.

“It’s not that big of a deal…” Andrew tried to comfort him.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” said Elliott tightly, not meeting Andrew’s eyes. Then he went back to wiping down the counter, a bit more forcefully now.


Elliot’s body was fascinating.

His stomach was already beginning to grow, and curve.

It was bizarre to watch Elliot’s clothing getting tighter on him every day. T-shirts that had been loose were now hugging against his abdomen. Andrew was always looking, watching the bump emerge more and more as time passed. They didn’t talk much about it. Andrew knew that Elliott was sensitive. And Elliot was still only in the first trimester. He shouldn’t have even been showing at that point – not yet. It was definitely odd, and strangely…exciting. Andrew tried not to, but he found himself touching it all the time. At every opportunity.

“It’s 75 degrees out. You really gonna wear another sweatshirt?” Andrew inquired one morning as they were getting ready for classes.

He came up behind Elliott, to wrap his arms around him, cupping the curve. Yes, Elliot had a belly now. It was warm and firm, and made Elliott look as though he was already four months along.

Elliott sagged back against him.

“Why are you trying to hide it?” Andrew murmured into the crook of his neck.

“I thought I’d love this,” Elliott said with a huff. “But I just look chubby now. I looked gross.”

“You look amazing,” Andrew countered, and he honestly meant it. “I’m sure you’ll warm up to it once it pops.”

“Yeah?” said Elliott uneasily.

“Yeah,” said Andrew. “I mean…once you look more clearly pregnant. I take it you’re worried people think you’re just getting fat?”

“Something like that,” said Elliott thinly, his body tense in Andrew’s arms.

“Give it some time.” Andrew kissed his ear. “It’s an adjustment.”


“Quintuplets,” said Dr. Lee.

Andrew and Elliott stared at the physician in silence.

Andrew gave a nervous laugh. “Is that a joke, or…”

“I assure you, I’m being entirely serious,” said Dr. Lee.

Suddenly Andrew’s chest felt constricted, and it became quite hard to breathe. Elliott looked like he might pass out.

“Big ones too,” Dr. Lee continued. “Do large babies run in either of your families?”

“I — n-no idea,” Andrew stammered. Elliott didn’t look like he could speak.

“Elliott, you are a very fertile young man. The sheer number of babies and the rapid development of your uterus is causing your body to be flooded with hormones to facilitate things. It will aid with weight gain, milk production, and whatever else the babies need.”

Both college students are completely stunned.

“It’s, well, it’s quite fascinating, to be honest,” Dr. Lee mused. “I don’t think a man has ever carried multiples before. Certainly not five. This is a very unique situation.”

Elliott finally snapped out of his daze. He was lying across the medical bed, the back elevated so that he wasn’t completely recumbent. Elliott gripped onto Andrew’s shirt as he rambled, “C-can’t do this.” He was breathless. “How are we s-supposed to —f-five?

“Veronica didtell you to be careful with the—”

“Shut up, Andrew!” Elliott retorted, before turning back to the doctor. “How do we — I can’t – five is too many!” Now he released Andrew’s shirt, tense hands instead cupping the clear bump in his hospital gown.

“Selective elimination is impossible,” Dr. Lee apprised. “I’m afraid with male pregnancy, it’s all or nothing. And after the clear effort you put into conceiving – well, I’m sure this is a difficult decision.”

“Fuck…” Elliott breathed, looking dizzy all over again. “This can’t be happening. This has to be a joke or something.” He pressed his palms against his eyes, and proceeded to ignore the other two men.

Andrew and the doctor looked at Elliott, then at each other.

“I’m sure it’s a lot to process,” said Dr. Lee.

“We’ll…sleep on it,” said Andrew in a daze.

“Of course, of course. Such a decision requires time. I’ll have the front desk give you some pamphlets when you’re checking out. It pays to be informed.”

“Thank you,” Andrew managed.


Andrew and Elliott didn’t talk for the whole ride home. The doctor’s news had shaken their whole worlds and the precarious foundations laid out since they had accepted the reality of having one child. Not five.

Elliott had sometimes talked about having multiples, but only facetiously. Just as part of his fetish. Talking, and fantasizing. He had never been serious, and never thought it was possible. The reality of it was just daunting for both of them.

When they pulled into their parking spot, neither man moved an inch. They just stared blankly at their apartment building for a few minutes.

“I don’t think I can do this,” said Elliott in a breath. “It’s – we’re college students. How are we going to be able to afford — Andy, I’m full of babies.

Something about that sharp protest invigorated something in Andrew. “We talked about this for years, El,” said Andrew, part of him trying to soothe, part of him trying to…to make sense of all this. “You wanted it so desperately. I know this is crazy, but we can’t just quit the moment we hit a bump in the road. This might be our only chance to actually have kids. I admit, I’m scared shitless, but – but now it’s happening, and I’m thrilled. I already love this. I love them.”

But did he? If Andrew was being honest with himself, he would admit that he wasn’t thinking much about how his life would look with the incorporation of a newborn. Let alone five of them. Five newborns. It wasn’t that appealing, even to think about.

But it was weird. This pregnancy thing. How rapidly Elliot was growing. How the hell was he going to be able to carry five? Five big babies. That was just crazy. He would get huge. Huge to bursting. He was already getting big now. What the fuck. What the hell with that look like?

Andrew felt himself getting hard. He adjusted himself a bit, hoping Elliott didn’t notice.

“You’re right,” Elliott managed, after a tense moment. “Fuck, you’re right Andrew. We have to follow through. God, why do you always have to be the voice of reason?”

As they hugged, Andrew’s heart raced in excitement until he became absorbed in the sensation Elliot’s round bump pressing against him.


In another few weeks, Elliott was looking quite pregnant.

Andrew glanced over his sleeping boyfriend that morning.

Elliott was wearing just some boxers and an old wife beater he had outgrown, his belly sticking out under the straining hem. He already looked as though he was five months pregnant even though he was still in the first trimester.

His new breasts were growing as well. They had to be B-cups by now, and Andrew found them fascinating. To Andrew’s dismay, Elliott never let him touch them.

He’ll come around, Andrew figured, as he leaned down, kissing Elliot awake.

“Mmmm,” Elliott hummed sleepily as Andrews kisses moved along his throat. “Stop it, you know the hormones are driving me crazy.”

Oh, Andrew knew. Regretfully, he pulled back. “It’s a quarter after eight.”

“You let me sleep in?”

“Just fifteen minutes.”

Andrew enjoyed watching Elliott get ready for work. For a moment, Elliott struggled with the black button-down shirt he was required to wear under his apron. It was a newer one he had purchased recently. A larger size than the usual.

“I’m not sure why you bother,” Andrew mentioned as he checked his email on his phone. “You just cover it up with a sweater. ”

“Fair point,” said Elliott. Nevertheless, he managed to fasten the final button closed.

“I have breakfast ready in the kitchen,” said Andrew.

“I’m gonna be late,” Elliott protested.

“Not before you eat,” said Andrew firmly.

“Yes mom,” said Elliott sarcastically.

Andrew gave him another kiss as he pulled him along. “I should be calling you that.”

“Eugh.” But Elliott gave a good-natured, if strained, smile, as he was ushered to the kitchen. He sat down as Andrew made his plate. With his elbow on the table top, Elliott leaned his face against his knuckles and sighed.

“What now?” said Andrew.

“It’s just...” Elliott glanced down at himself. “I’ve been waiting for that blissful pregnancy state everyone talks about. I’ve been waiting for it to kick in, but it doesn’t. Maybe it’s all a lie. Like the models.”

“You know you romanticized this way too much. We talked about it.”

“Yeah,” Elliott agreed, as he watched Andrew set more food in front of him.

Even Andrew could admit that the meal was huge. He had been up an hour early, putting together the eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, toast, home fries, french toast, and cornmeal porridge, hoping that the extensive variety would take away from just how much of each thing there was. Because it was a lot. Probably enough to feed five people. Probably too much to feed five little fetuses that weren’t even halfway to term, but he would try to convince Elliott otherwise, as he did routinely.

“God, why do you always have to be so extra?” Elliott complained, interpreting Andrew’s excessiveness as love, and nothing more.

“Because you’re carrying my many children,” said Andrew, kissing the top of his head, and maybe he was more in love with him than he had ever been. Elliott’s condition was just so exhilarating somehow.

“I’ll be a blimp by the time this whole thing is over.”

“A well-taken-care-of blimp,” Andrew teased.

And then Elliott submitted, the way he always did. He ate, and ate, and ate, tearing through the food with efficiency, but also some greed.

Andrew loved watching him eat. He was honestly amazed by how much Elliott could throw back these days. He had never been much of an eater. But that tended to change when you were carrying five babies. And Andrew was always present to encourage and urge, and make sure that all six of them were well fed.

God,Elliott was six people in one. He was bringing life to six human beings. This all seemed mythological. He was some deity, some higher being.

A belch erupted from Elliott’s throat causing Andrew to snap out of his reverie. It appeared that Elliott had finished eating.

Elliott groaned as he got to his feet. He proceeded to put on his layers — the baggy sweater and the apron — to soften the presence of the curve. He was still uncomfortable with his condition, even embarrassed a little. He tried to smile through it and pretend everything was all right, but he wasn’t liking this the way he thought he would.

The way Andrew was.

“Mmghh,” Elliott moaned, cupping his belly once he was done. “I’m stuffed.”

“You’re doing great,” said Andrew as he held Elliott’s hand and wondered how soon Elliott would outgrow that button-down.


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