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Summary: In his career, Logan likes to fuck his competition. Literally. He gets them pregnant and they get out of his way. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiples, weight gain, stuffing.

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“This is Jin and Eric. They are two of our top producers.”

Logan just sat there in stunned silence.

“I understand that you had some misconceptions about our product,” Cho continued. “You see, we do not farm dairy milk. That is terribly inhumane and frankly, unhealthy. Why should humans be drinking the milk of another mammal?”

Was this a pitch? Logan was too distracted to tell.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the dark-haired guy — Jin — managed with his best smile, even though he was clearly uncomfortable.

“Ditto,” said the blonde with a sneer as he casually scratched the full ass he had stretching out those tight shorts of his.

“Our product is a treatment program,” said Cho. “We produce a potent medicine that causes the user to lactate. Because the product is in capsule form, it cuts shipping costs to fractions. No unhealthy cow milk. No need for preservatives or refrigeration. No necessity to ship barrels of fluid across provinces and borders; sometimes even livestock. The only cost to businesses is the capsule supply, as well as hiring their own producers. You’ll find this arrangement quite lucrative. It’s barely a quarter of the cost of dealing with farms and cow milk.”

Mr. Cho was being entirely serious. Logan turned to look at Colton, who was still busy gawking at the “producers.” Logan had thought that OHO’s had been the extent that this trip could shock him, but he had been proven wrong. The weirdness was rampant.

“The medicine is safe and effective for 90% of users. The producers can proceed with normal activities, we just ask that they don’t take any drugs. They lead normal lives. Some even work in our offices. Young men like Eric and Jin might be busy with their daily jobs or university, but are still able to bring in extra income by producing milk for whatever business has contracted them. It consumes very little time out of their schedules,” said Mr. Cho.

“We just have to stop by daily,” Eric drawled. “Sometimes twice a day.” He nodded towards Jin. “We have our tits pumped then we get sent on our way.”

“Of course, some businesses allow their producers to pump at home and bring the milk in. It’s a matter of preference,” said Mr. Cho.

“My parents don’t even know I’m doing this. They think it’s some hormone imbalance or something,” scoffed Eric. “I’m saving to upgrade my car.”

“I work at the bank nearby, so it’s, erm, convenient,” said Jin. “I’m also working on my graduate degree. The extra money helps,” he mumbled as he fidgeted under Logan’s gaze.

“It’s a lot of responsibility,” Mr. Cho added. “The applicants are screened extensively prior to hiring. They can’t miss any scheduled pumpings. Waste is even worse, and they can get pay docked.”

“There’s no reason we would really want to miss a session. It can get k-kind of — uncomfortable,” managed Jin, wincing now. “Speaking of —?” He gave Mr. Cho a desperate look, his fingers gripping at his sweatshirt, chest heaving and heaving. His breasts were just so big. They had to be the size of fucking volleyballs, and his hoodie only looked as though it was getting tighter.

Mr. Cho either didn’t notice or didn’t care about Jin’s clear distress.

“Humane dairy,” Colton mused aloud in a weak voice.

“Humane?” said Mr. Cho. “No, our company is called Human Dairy. But yes, we are also quite humane.”

“Ohhh…” Jin groaned, knees twisting, hands cupping those huge heaving melons that looked close to tearing right through his zipper. His forehead was sweaty, face flushed pink as he tried to breathe.

Eric threw a grin Jin’s way. “You heard the boss, no ‘wastage.’


“But yes, our producers are mostly autonomous.” Mr. Cho was largely ignoring his young employees. “Of course, sometimes it pays to track things, to anticipate supply. Eric and Jin submit to regular bust measurements. We also always measure the output as a policy. A lower output than normal could be a sign of —”

“Waste,” Eric cut in, if just to taunt the fidgeting Jin.

“Indeed,” said Mr. Cho, robotic as ever. “Typically, milk production increases over time. Which is beneficial for the producers, as that increases their pay. Most producers start off at around a dollar per ounce.”

Logan’s mind was reeling. This was just insane. And there were so many legal implications. These contracts must have been airtight.

“We’ll think about it,” said Colton.

Mr. Cho’s eyebrows rose. “Yes, understandable.” He pressed his intercom. “Ann, bring our guests some samples to take home.”

Logan glanced at the untouched cups of milk lined up on the tray on the desk. “That’s not necess—”

But the secretary had already returned with another tray. This one didn’t have milk on it though.

It had three pill bottles. Logan stared at them, aghast.

“We insist,” said Mr. Cho.

It was best not to insult them. “Right, okay.” Logan picked up one of the bottles.

“This supply in enough for a six month trial-run with one producer. I think you will be very satisfied with the results.”

Logan’s throat was dry. A trial run? He couldn’t imagine getting — getting someone to take these pills. To get them engorged, and lactating, and – and growing. Logan tried to find his voice. “R-right – okay,” he repeated, stupidly.

Colton impatiently took the bottle of pills in Logan’s hand, as well as the other two bottles on the tray. He shoved them away into his briefcase. “Thank you,” he said tightly. “It’s — appreciated. We will be in touch.” He forced a smile.

In the background, Jin was still breathing heavily, biting his lip, cupping his tits, face twisted in strain. Eric was still watching Jin, grinning like a jackal.

Mr. Cho gave a shallow bow to Colton and Logan. “Ann will show you ou—”

“GAHHHHH!” Jin cried as he tore right through his zipper, breasts bursting free of a severely undersized bra, hugely swollen nipples puffing and—

Logan and Colton jerked as they were abruptly splattered. Logan stood there, gobsmacked, as Jin arched and groaned and just kept spraying, mumbled indecipherably, hands clutching the sides of his fat, naked tits, that were even bigger and rounder than Logan had thought they were. Just fucking massive. Massive and beautiful, outlandish and unreal. He stood there panting like a dog as the flow slowly mitigated, went from squirting to pouring, flowing down the undersides of his tits then splattering onto the floor.

Eric snickered as Mr. Cho looked at both producers in disapproval.

“Get him cleaned up,” Mr. Cho ordered his secretary, before turning back to Colton and Logan. “My apologies. He is usually not like this. Ann, get towels for our guests!”

Logan felt milk dripping down his face. He looked at Colton, whose face was also completely soaked. Logan was frozen from the shock and from the sight of Jin still standing there, groaning and whining, nipples throbbing. Logan had never seen anything like it.

Logan tried to claw his way out of his daze as the secretary started industriously patting him down with a towel. “It’s — I’m fine,” he said, shoving the towel away. Because if she kept at it, he was gonna make a mess of his own.

“We really should go,” said Colton, his voice squeaky.

And with no more tact, grace, or pleasantries, the two absconded. A few moments later, they were both slumped in the back of their car, staring off at nothing.

It was only then that Logan wondered if Jin’s little faux pas had just been part of the pitch.

“I’m getting us the first flight out of here,” said Colton as he pulled his phone out of his briefcase and started scrolling furiously. “Tomorrow morning?”

“That’s fine,” said Logan breathlessly. He looked at the rumpled paperwork Cho had given him, presently clutched in Logan’s fist. He’d been in such a rush, he hadn’t even put it in his briefcase. Logan drew a deep breath, shoving the papers aside as he pulled out his own phone.

Suddenly, things seemed simple. The cost of the Human Dairy deal would be negligible even compared to local dairy suppliers. It would be worthwhile, even if they didn’tuse it.

Oharo picked up after only two rings. Logan spoke first, “We’re willing to take on your dairy-supplier,” he said.

Across the car, Colton lowered his phone, blinking owlishly at Logan.

Putting the call on speakerphone, Logan put his phone on his thigh.

“That is good news,” said Mr. Oharo. “I would want you both to personally head this project.

“Of course,” said Logan. “Just as we discussed.”

“Excellent,” said Mr. Oharo, with clear satisfaction in his words. “Then I’m happy to say you have yourself a deal.”

“I’ll send over the paperwork,” said Logan, before he turned off the phone, leaned back, and closed his eyes. Finally, this was over.


“I can’t believe I gained fifteen fucking pounds in Asia,” Colton grumbled under his breath for the umpteenth time as he fidgeted with his blazer.

Logan could. Colton definitely looked pretty thick around the middle, despite the looser clothes, the unnecessary layers, and the various briefcases he was always clutching to distract or to hide the pregnancy. He was already far bigger than he should have been at that stage, and was really growing — well, their babieswere, inside of him. Logan wondered when Colton would come clean to their boss and what story he would come up with to try to keep his job.

That was another thing Logan missed about Asia. In Asia, Colton had been trying to show the pregnancy off to gain favor with Oharo. But back here at home, Colton was still trying to conceal it.

It had been a couple of weeks since their trip abroad, and their careers had never been more fragile.

The café opening had been anticlimactic at best. It was supposed to be a boost for the business; a new branch for Boddims’ products. It was supposed to be the first of several local eateries and a new major income stream for the company.

In contrast, the café was dead, sales practically nonexistent. Even being in a central area, it did not garner much interest to people, who were more eager to patronize the popular chains.

If this thing failed, Logan’s career was over.

The secretary pressed a button on her headset before glancing up at Logan and Colton. “Mr. Turner will see you now,” she informed with an unconvincing smile as she motioned to the door behind her.

Logan and Colton walked into Ike Turner’s office. Turner looked grim as he signaled for them to sit down.

“This café thing is a mess.” Ike got straight to the point.

“Give it some time,” said Colton, looking as uneasy as Logan felt. “Things will pick up. It’s not going to boom overnight. The marketing —”

“The marketing is sufficient. And has a more than generous budget,” Ike cut him off. “What the hell is the problem? This stuff is like cheap cocaine.”

Maybe thatwas the problem. Cheap, low-quality food products. Goop’ms was as popular with adults as it was with kids, but most adults didn’t like to admit that they ate the stuff. Logan had always known it. But something about the café idea had always made sense to him—using a popular brand like OHO’s to detract from any negative stigmas about Goop’ms. Maybe, in the end, it just came down to quality.

“Roger is talking about shutting things down,” said Ike.

“It’s far too early,” said Logan, appalled. Because if this thing shut down, he was fucked.

“Which is why we have to fix this,” Ike agreed. “We invested too much into this for it to flop in four weeks. I need you both to be hands-on here. I need you inside the restaurant every day, keeping an eye on things.”

Unconventional, but Logan couldn’t disagree. “Sure.”

“And those fuckers in Asia aren’t happy either,” Ike went on. “Don’t want their name attached to such a shit show. Can’t really blame them. That Oharo guy says he sending over one of his people. Clearly to micromanage your asses. Hell, who knows. Maybe it’ll help.”

This was news to Logan.

Colton looked equally concerned. “Oh…” he breathed.

This would be a problem. The budget on this project was tight, largely because they were paying for local dairy in addition to the Human Dairy business package — which they admittedly weren’t using. They had only signed on to coax Oharo into the deal.

Oharo’s rep would see this the moment they arrived. This could turn into a real shit storm fast.

Of course, Logan had tried to tell Ike about all the weird stuff going on in the Asian franchise on a couple of occasions. But Ike always laughed him off, thinking it was some crazy joke, even after Colton had corroborated the testimonial.

“Logan, I need you to pick the rep up at the airport this evening. Show them that we’re taking this seriously,” said Ike as Logan nodded. “One Mr. Sao. You know him?”

“No, I don’t think so,” Logan responded, still trying to process the influx of bad news. But no, they hadn’t met any Sao in Asia, that he was aware.

“Well, try to put on the charm,” Ike said.

Colton rolled his eyes.

“We don’t want any more problems,” Ike went on.

“I’m on it,” said Logan.

It was time to turn this mess around.


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