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Summary: Cara, a 20-year-old college student, had the wildest night of her life. Unbeknownst to her, she has been impregnated by an alien species. The alien grows and feeds off of arousal, so any time she get aroused, the alien grows. The alien has a 12-month gestation period and Cara must try her best to abstain from any sexual activities or anything that arouses her. The amount of arousal will affect size of the alien offspring, but it will still take 12-months until birth. Idea submitted by Jacob.
Contains: Female: belly expansion, alien pregnancy, breast expansion, stuffing, lactation, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Cara looked as though she was nine months pregnant. Nine. She was only a few weeks in and would be stuck like this for a whole year, at least as far as she had been told.

She was huge.

She tried not to hyperventilate as she paced, but even her movements induced anxiety. Her body felt so awkwardly heavy and uncomfortable, and her stride seem to be devolving to a waddle. She was fucking huge. There was no hiding this thing.

“Oh god, oh god…” What if she got bigger? Was it even a question? Clearly she had no control over this. It was happening constantly. She kept having growth spurts, and her belly was getting enormous.

And the bigger she got, the worst her self-control became. This swollen, hormone-filled body was so sensitive, sometimes getting her aroused all on its own without external stimuli.

She suddenly wanted to lock herself in her room and hide away for the duration of her condition, but she didn’t think that even that would resolve things. Cara groaned as her stomach grumbled, her hands shooting down to cup the round, firm expanse. God, she looked as though she could give birthat any moment. “Fuck…” she moaned as another wave of hunger assailed her.

That was another issue. The larger she grew, the bigger her appetite became. That weird herbal treatment Lor had given her had only exacerbated things. She was hungry continuously as her baseline. She usually tried to suffer through it, but then it would spike, and get dizzyingly intolerable.

Cara waddled her way to the kitchen. “Fuck,” she whined again, hating the awkwardness of this body; the way the swell was protruding out from her torso, just sticking out, like its own independent thing. Her face twisted at a weird churning inside her. It made her want to heave. “Mggghhh…” That would be movement. These things…she was full of alien creatures.

Best not to think about that. She had a whole laundry list of things not to think about by then. Cara opened the cupboard and pulled out a large box of cheese-flavored crackers. She ripped it open and clasped it under her arm while she started shoving the crackers into her mouth by the handful. With her free hand, she continued to poke around for food, because she felt positively starved at that moment.

She found some cheese sticks in the fridge. They were Jessica’s, but Cara helped herself, chomping her way through them. There was a big bowl of leftover buttered pasta. Cara managed to balance the pasta bowl with the rest of the crackers and a big box of sugary cereal. She grabbed a fork and made her way to the couch, plopping down, and digging in to her impromptu feast, because at least it was a distraction, and it made her feel a little bit better, physically speaking.

Her tank top could not cover the full mass of her belly, the hem of her leggings pushed low beneath the swell. Her breasts must have swollen up to D-cups by then, cleavage bulging generously over her V-neckline.

“What the hell?”

Cara looked up and blinked owlishly up at Jessica. Oh. Cara had somehow forgotten that her roommate was home.

Jessica looked completely aghast. “W-w-what —?” Jessica couldn’t seem to produce an intelligible sentence.

Cara gulped down her latest mouthful of food. “I um…” She felt drained and woozy. “It was er…a growth spurt.”

“No way.” Jessica shook her head in denial, and perhaps even fear. “No fucking way, just — that’s just not possible.”

“Jess…” Cara entreated, because this whole thing was a mess, and she needed her roommate to give her a break.

“This is crazy,” said Jessica, backing away, then hurrying back into her room. The sound of her door slamming shut was loud and abrupt, causing Cara to flinch.

Another friend lost to this bizarre condition. Cara went back to eating. And eating.

She dozed off on the couch, waking up sometimes to paw at that uncomfortable squirming inside her, or to shuffle to the bathroom. She slept for the rest of the evening, because it was preferable to her existence, and she hadn’t realized how exhausted she was. Late at night she got up several times for snacks, which she demolished quickly, before dozing off on the couch again.

Jessica was terrified of her. Greg thought she was a freak. All her girl friends were carrying on with their fun college lives. And Cara had a year of being a hippopotamus to look forward to.

And kind of as a sick joke, her body felt really good in ways. Warm, and full. Tingly and supple.

She was only half-asleep and half somewhere else, blissful and delicious, her body throbbing with heat.

“Mgghhh…” Cara groaned as her body stretched and prickled. She opened her eyes, hands clasping either side of her belly as she felt it rise with new growth. “Ohhh…” It was pulsing, tight and hot. Her legs squirmed, thighs rubbing. She finally came to full consciousness, gasping for breath as her tank top drew upward.

There was a shrieking noise. Cara felt bombarded by noises and sensations as she came to realize that Jessica was back in the living room, staring at Cara, pointing and screaming.

“I can explain,” Cara choked out, even though she knew she couldn’t. The growth spurt finally winded down, her mound shivering with the last centimeters of growth. Cara was left feeling dazed and breathless, hands absently massaging her tight flesh.

“You’re a freak!” Jessica cried. “You’re a fucking monster! Like a fucking alien! Why are you doing this!? You’re gonna try to plant eggs in my chest or —”

It was too much. Cara didn’t know where she found the strength, but she managed to get up. She nearly teetered as she was reacquainted with her increasingly altered center of gravity, her back arching to support the heavy weight of her bulging abdomen. Futilely, she tried to pull down the hem of her tank top, but it just snapped back up to her chest, leaving her belly bare and imposing, so swollen and round — it looked as though it was getting wider than the rest of her. Cara panted as she held the underside of the mound with her hands, but this did not offer much support.

“I’m sorry,” she rambled, trying to back away from her hysterical roommate. “I’m sorry, I — I don’t mean you any harm.” That sounded so weird and shady, like she really was an extraterrestrial.

Cara made her way to the bathroom, completely out of breath by the time she took the few steps to get inside and close the door behind her. There, she went to lean against the sink, grimacing when her belly hit the edge before her hands did. Fuck, she was huge. And getting huger. That random growth spurt — just what the fuck?

She tried to catch her breath; to think clearly. She couldn’t panic. She gazed in the mirror and examined herself, realizing that she looked overdue now.

Cara tugged at the chest of her tank top, watching as even more of her cleavage heaved over the neckline. Her breasts looked even bigger than they had the day before. Her nipples were so swollen, bulging hard against the stretched material of her top. “Ohhhhh…” Just the sensation of her shirt rubbing against her tender nipples had her mouth going dry and her groin tingling, but she breathed through it. She tried not to lose control. Cara turned on the faucet and splashed her face with some cold water.

When Cara went back to her room, she ordered some maternity clothes on her laptop, selecting ‘rush delivery’ for an extra couple of dollars. She had picked out some bras, tops, and pants, but the dress options seemed the most practical and affordable. So she ordered several of those as well. She would just have to try to adapt to this. It wasn’t like there were other options. She had to get her story straight. She was just some pregnant girl who’d had ‘a bit of a’ growth spurt. Who the hell was going to fight her on that? (Well, clearly Jessica…)

Cara’s main concern at that moment was her college funding. She had to maintain a decent GPA or she would lose her spot, and that just wasn’t an option. She couldn’t go to back home to her parents. Not like this. Just — no. So even if it was just through doing the bare minimum, Cara couldn’t allow her grades to drop.


When Cara went back to her gig at the nursing home a few days later, the residents and staff alike all gave her looks of shock.

She stuck with her story like a broken record: “Yep, I’m pregnant. You didn’t know? I think the baby had a little growth spurt over the weekend.” She rubbed her belly in what she supposed was an affectionate manner.

While a few people just shrugged and accepted the explanation, others looked stumped or dubious. After all, she had transformed so much within a week. An elderly woman in a wheelchair just laughed, like she thought Cara was trying to play a trick on them.

And then things just…proceeded like normal. It was strange and refreshing, just following the rhythm of her duties, keeping her head down, and not really sticking out the way she had thought she would. Cara completed her tasks at a decidedly slower pace and with a little bit of strain, but she managed, even if she was huffing and puffing as she emptied the dishwasher, her hand clutching her lower back as she swept the hall.

“Well missy, you look just about ready to pop,” noted Mrs. Watkins, who chuckled good-naturedly as Cara blushed.

“Oh…” said Cara, not really knowing how to respond. “Right.” It wasn’t as though she could agree or say that it was almost “time.” She still had several months, as far as she understood things. How long would it take people to catch on that she was gigantically pregnant for way too long. “E-excuse me.”

Cara took another one of her many bathroom breaks. She found herself frequently slipping away just to catch her breath and rub her swollen belly. It just felt so tight. So full. Like it was getting fuller even though she hadn’t had a spurt for several days. It probably didn’t help that she couldn’t seem to stop eating. She munched on snacks tucked away in her purse at every given moment, and when she wasn’t indulging in those, she was in the kitchen just eating the residents’ food. Sucking down puddings and applesauce cups, eating mashed potatoes and stewed vegetables, and whatever else she could get her hands on. Her appetite only seemed to be getting worse with time. At this rate, she was going to get in trouble with management. Maybe if she brought more of her own snacks with her next time she wouldn’t resort to the food stocked up for the clients.

Cara drew another long breath, her hands rubbing circles on her swell. She was wearing a formfitting tunic shirt and some leggings. Her clothing order had paid off. It was definitely refreshing to have clothes that actually fit her.

Cara looked down at herself. She really did look like she could give birth at any moment. Like she was past time to give birth. Overdue, and ready to drop at any moment. This was usually the extent of what pregnancy should have been for women. Most women didn’t get to this size or larger. It was heavy, uncomfortable, tight, and even a little unnatural. How the hell was she going to tote this around for another ten months?

And it just looked huge on her slim frame. Cara turned to her side to study her outrageous profile. She had gained some weight in recent weeks, but she was still mostly belly. It just popped out on her.

She absently tugged at her shirt, allowing more air to reach her hot tits. Her body felt like a goddamn furnace. Her nipples were always tingling and aching, and they were just ridiculously swollen by then. Her breasts had sprung up to DDs seemingly overnight and they were only getting bigger.

Regretful as she was to end her break, Cara knew that she had already been in the bathroom for ten minutes. She sighed and fixed her clothes, then steadily waddled out. As she made her way back to the kitchen, the door on the opposite side swung open, as another woman strolled in.

“Sorry I’m late,” said Amber insincerely, the way she said it every time she had a shift. But as she caught sight of Cara, Amber froze, her jaw falling open.

Cara felt her cheeks go red. She was supposed to have been ready for this encounter.

“What the hell,” Amber breathed. Thankfully, it was just the two of them.

“I um…” Cara fumbled on her words. “Well, I’m pregnant. I thought everyone knew, but… but everyone’s acting surprised because I — the baby had a-a little growth spurt over the weekend…” Cara wasn’t sure if she was making any sense. Why was she trying to explain it to Amber anyway? This was stupid.

“W-well, today they want you to go through the pantry and throw out anything that’s expired,” Cara managed. “I’m going handle the discharge paperwork on —”

“You’re blowing the fuck up, cheeky” said Amber, staring at Cara with an intensity that left Cara’s legs weak.

“I don’t… I’m not sure what you’re talking abo —”

“I don’t know what the hell this is,” said Amber, as she stepped closer. “But I know what I saw, and you — you’re only getting bigger. You’re a fucking whale.”

Cara’s blush deepened in her humiliation.

“And it’s fucking weird,” Amber continued, as she closed their distance. “And it’s…fucking hot.”

Cara was screwed.





This was exactly how I expected the story to turn out 10/10


Wow, thanks! It was a great plot submission! it's turning out really fun!