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Summary: Tom is in his mid-forties. Comfortably married in suburbia  with his wife, office job, and his 2.5 kids getting ready for college, Tom finds himself immersed in an affair with a fit young biogeneticist. Tom  has no idea why he's gaining so much weight, and his wife has started making remarks about it. Little does he know, his secret boyfriend is not only experimenting on him but breeding him. Worse, Tom can apparently get pregnant additional times while already pregnant, and end up carrying multiple babies of different gestational ages. Its only a matter of time before his secret affair comes to light. That, in addition to other things. Contains: Male: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, butt expansion, stuffing, weight gain.

Note: Chapter repost. I must have deleted it by accident. Sorry about that.

Previous Chapter


“I’m so sorry,” Tom cried.

Penelope stared at him in shock.

He was collapsing against her doorframe, just gripping onto it for dear life. He could hardly hold himself upright, even then. His belly was huge, bigger than a beach ball, bigger than a boulder, probably the biggest living thing he had ever seen. It throbbed forcefully, Tom hardly able to breathe. He stood there at the entrance of his former house, pleading for safety.

“I — I don’t deserve you. I know,” Tom sobbed out, his body trembling forcefully. He slipped down, dropping to his knees, and groaned in pain from the impact. He leaned forward, allowing his belly to press into the floor, because it was killing his back. He was breathing so hard his lungs felt ready to burst.

Penelope hurried to his side. “Kim, Sid!” she called, as she clutched onto Tom’s shoulder, trying to offer what support she could. “It’s okay, Tom. Just breathe. It’s okay,” she told him, again and again. Her kindness was overwhelming. Tears poured down Tom’s cheeks.

“I’ll do anything,” he forced out between his sobs. “J-just don’t leave me alone. Don’t let him get me!”

Penelope was stunned. The kids pounded down the stairs then stared at the scene in shock.

“What the hell?” said Kim.

“Come over here and help me get him up!” Penelope ordered.

“I was wrong,” Tom told them, breathless and hysterical. “I was so so wrong.” His two eldest kids just marveled at the pathetic state of their father as he rambled and begged for forgiveness.

Tom didn’t know how, but with their combined effort and strain, they all heaved him up to his feet.

The group collectively staggered to the couch, Kim and Sid gripping either side of him, while Penelope’s hands supported his belly, and Tom did his best to navigate the weary feet he hadn’t been able to see for several months. He was jolted by the impact of his ass with the couch, his whole body quaking as the air was knocked out of his lungs. He slumped back, gasping and wheezing. Then he started to cry again, dissolving to more sobs.

“I’ll do anything,” he rasped, feeling delirious from the exhaustion and the strain. “I just want my life back.”

His family was stunned. They didn’t know what to make of all this. Even Kim appeared ambivalent and uneasy.

Tom groaned, hunching forward, his belly shuddering. “Oh god!” He cupped what he could reach of the swell, body stiff, face crumpling. “Nrrgggghhhh…” His belly tensed, nipples starting to squirt. He shifted his hips, groaning against the pressure. “Oh god…” His back arched, pushing his tremendous midsection farther outwards.

“I’ll call a doctor,” Penelope said, but Tom managed to snatch her wrist before she could hurry off.

“Don’t,” he entreated.

And so the small group stayed put, watching Tom, trying to offer what comfort they could as he moaned, twitched, and desperately massaged his flushed, pulsating abdomen.

The fatigue got to be too much, and somehow he fell into a restless sleep. But in the morning, he was back to moaning and fidgeting, pleading with his restless babies, body spread to make room for the overwhelming mass. His flesh was littered with cuffs and kicks visibly prodding at the surface of his belly. He whined as his skin began to tent at the front, near his navel, like a baby was trying to shove right through. His belly distended, looking like a torpedo, his face bright red, his skin peaking at a visible mass. Then it eased back, Tom gasping for breath, veins bulging on his forehead. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. They were constantly growing, moving, and shifting around inside of him. He was just so packed, hips aching and ass tense behind him.

Tom blearily looked around the living room. It was quiet now. The kids must have gone off to school, and Penny, to work. But he would be fine. After all, he had been alone up to this moment. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t done this all before. “Ohhhh…” Tom breathed as another baby pressed hard, this time at the lower right side of his belly. A head prodded out, perhaps shifted there by the sheer force of their siblings. Tom cupped the spot, his eyes tearing. He didn’t think he could contain them anymore. He was just so packed. He cursed and fidgeted, squeezing his eyes shut.

“I can’t, I can’t,” he rambled, breathless, squirming as he leaned back against the arm of the couch. He spread his thighs wide. It was just too much. He grunted out, attempting to push despite not being in labor. To dry-push. Because he was too full, he just couldn’t bear it, he needed them out. “Errgghhhhh…” he moaned, face scrunching as he strained. He breathed thinly as sweat poured down his face. The room swam, his body aching.

Tom drifted in and out of consciousness, between the pain and pressure, and his trembling body. At one point, he was aware of someone beside him, holding his hand, and he started to pull away, but then heard Penny’s voice.

“Shhhh…” she urged. “It’s okay.”

Tom felt delirious. “I—I don’t know what to do,” he gasped out. His heart was racing. He felt weak. Drained.

“I called someone,” Penelope told him softly.

Tom blinked up at her in confusion. Then, behind her, Tom saw the new presence. He recoiled at the sight of Ian.

“He’s just going to check on you,” Penelope assured.

Tom wanted to protest, but he was too weak. Dizzy. The anxiety got the best of him. His hands fumbled to tug down his shirt, as though this would shield the babies somehow. His top couldn’t pull down anywhere past his breasts. His legs fumbled to move but he was pinned there by his own weight. Then he blacked out again

When he came to, it could have been moments or hours that had passed. Ian and Penelope were standing over him, surveying his sorry form sprawled across the couch. Tom saw that there was now an IV line in his arm. He shook his head in silent protest.

“It’s just some saline, and muscle relaxants,” Ian said calmly. “I’m here to help.”

“You helped enough,” Tom forced out. He tried to push himself upright, but his arms buckled beneath him. Penelope hurried to his side, and together they managed to prop Tom up against some cushions.

“Tom…” said Penelope, looking conflicted as she glanced from one man to the other.

“Leave,” Tom told Ian.

Ian went cool and stiff, but rather than trying to argue his case, he gave a very slight incline of his head. “If that’s what you want,” he said. Ian then turned to Penelope to offer a tight smile and a nod, before he walked to the door and let himself out.

Tom immediately pulled the IV line out of his arm. He couldn’t deny that he felt a little better, a little less on the cusp of bursting right open, and decidedly less dizzy. The fluids had helped, at least.

Penelope sagged a bit, folding her arms against herself. “Now what?”

Tom rubbed the small puncture wound at the crook his arm. “Now I… I make things right.”


Tom missed several of his court dates and custody hearings, finding himself all but bedbound by his gargantuan and growing swell. Penelope dismissed his absences in court, but not Ian. Tom didn’t yet know what the consequences would be. He half-expected police to swoop in at any moment and arrest him on contempt of court.

Then again, he had bigger things to worry about.

“Nrrggghhhh….godddd…” Tom groaned, sweat pouring down his body. His belly gave a forceful jerk, causing him to scream.

“Almost there,” Penny consoled. “You’re almost there Tom, give another push.”

“ARRGHHHHH!” he cried, arching hard, legs spread, belly just massive. Practically bigger than he was. It was a tight, throbbing, orb of a mass. An abomination. Tom didn’t even know how his body could support it anymore, how his heart could circulate blood to the whole girth of it. He was enormous.

“I can see the head!” Penelope sounded a little daunted by the undoubted hugeness of his baby. “C’mon Tom, one more big push!”

He wailed, screamed, pushed, and roared. The pain was excruciating, the baby forcing its way through, as its siblings hammered away in his belly. Tom gave a choked wheeze.

There was a squalling cry. Tom slumped back, feeling defeated, as he always seemed to after these episodes. These births.

“A girl,” Penelope said in quiet awe as she cradled the naked infant against her. “A big girl,” she added with a shaky laugh. “Oh Tom, she’s gorgeous.”

Tom didn’t doubt it. In fact, through his hazy eyes, the sight of Penny cradling his newborn was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.


Over several months, they worked hard.

Tom and — his wife.

They worked together to maintain Tom’s health, get him through the next several deliveries, love and nurture the newborns, improve Tom’s relationship with Sid and Kim, and overall repair their family unit.

It was working.

A few months ago, he would have never thought it to be possible. That things could be normal, or—this new normal. That they all could be together again, as a family.

Penelope was a saint.

That fact had been consistent throughout this whole thing. She was a saint, and Tom owed her everything.

She held his hand through his labors as he sobbed, cursed, and struggled on the bed. She changed diapers, bottle-fed, and got up at 3AM to nurture cranky newborns. Penelope became a new mother all over again even for children that were not hers. And she did it all without a hint of resentment. Her capacity for kindness and forgiveness continued to astonish him.

For the first time in a while, Tom was okay.

He subtly worked his way out of the bizarre baby-debt he had been buried in, giving birth to them one by one, and not replacing them with more. He and Penny filed to get a restraining order against Ian, which the courts were on the cusp of approving. Tom felt free for once, no longer obsessed with the other man, and no longer at risk of being experimented on some more or packed with more children.

He had a house full of babies. He was constantly rocking one or nursing another, while one-handedly changing dirty diapers. There wasn’t a moment that a baby wasn’t crying or that he wasn’t attending to one, but Tom had grown to love it. He did it all with the grateful air of a man with a new lease on life.

There was only one more. Tom’s belly was round, but no longer stuffed to massive, obscene dimensions. He looked seven months pregnant. It could probably even pass as a particularly large beer belly. But Tom hardly worried himself with his appearance, between the baby swell and the huge pair of breasts protruding on his chest. Just the fact that he was mobile again, able to run errands and help out around the house, meant everything to him. He was even back to work full time, most of it remote, but some days he did go in to the office. And he didn’t mind the stares. He welcomed the looks of awe. He was a new man, and soon pregnancy would soon be a thing of the past.

Just one more delivery.


Tom leaned back in the driver’s seat of his car, trying his best to relax through the process of pumping. He had chosen a particularly empty section of the parking garage, breathing heavily as the machine extracted his milk.

His breasts were huge, by then taking attention away from his belly. They were the size of honeydews, nipples unnaturally large, and protruding. The mounds bobbed and jiggled with his every movement. People often gaped at him, astounded to find the massive rack attached to the chest of a middle-aged man.

Tom would chuckle to himself. He didn’t care anymore. His never-ending nightmare-pregnancy was almost over. If having huge jugs was a byproduct, he would accept it. Besides, his doctor had said that the mounds would likely go down in size after he stopped nursing.

The machine beeped, indicating that the gallon-sized container was full. It was astounding, how much milk his body was able to produce. Tom didn’t even feel empty, his breasts still somewhat bloated with tender heat.

He sighed and detached the suction attachments from his nipples, tugging up his bra and pulling down his shirt, while grimacing slightly at the discomfort of friction. But he was getting used to it. Tom took a moment to breathe and gather his bearings, trying to direct his attention away from his sore nipples, still hugely swollen and almost painfully hard as they protruded visibly against his clothing. “Diapers,” he reminded himself, gritting his teeth as he turned on his car.

Tom drove closer to the shopping center garage entrance, pulling into a parking spot right near the door. He turned off the car, opened the door, and heaved himself up with a grunt. But it wasn’t nearly as hard as it had been in the past, when he was just packed with up to eight babies at a time. Now that he was only carrying one, it was a cakewalk. He smiled to himself as he walked into the store, hardly waddling.

Tom made his way to the diaper section, looking over the various brands. He grabbed a few bags of different sizes. While his babies had mostly been part of the same “litter,” they had been born at different times, thus varied in age. A couple of months gap made a huge difference. It was hard to keep up with what size each needed, so he just grabbed a couple of each and threw them into his cart.

After he had loaded up his cart, Tom made his way toward the register, wandering through the toy aisle in the process. He glanced over some stuffed animals and of rattle that gave him a headache just looking at it. He turned a corner, eyeing some pacifiers, when he nearly crashed his cart into someone else’s. Tom’s apology faded from his lips as he looked up at the other person.


Next Chapter



This one is great! I love how brutal the pushing is. Also, the way you write "bigger things to worry about" and then imply it's literally the sheer size of the babies that's the problem.